byebye mAus! :(

my mouse is broken (G5)
so now i have to figure out what mouse will be my next one.
G5 again? or MX518? or are there other briliant mouse i should know of?
share your experiences and gimme some good advice for my new mouse!
thanks in advance!

hmmm my profile sais i should get mx518???

"Member For: 5 months and 18 days" :o
deathadder or diamondback
i still prefer razer... although me has no luck with them.
me has no luck with any mAus at all :<
poor u :(((
ja :<<

btw i knew u would say that :>
well i was thinking about another meaning first tbh. thought u r talking about no luck with maus=girls :p
o lolz but ye i havve both :DD
well my usual answer, if u got probs with girls pm me like some others... maybe i can help ya! ^^
hehe got msn? :p
sure... watch my profile. :D
but not online anymore today. need to work, but bah i dont want!
:o gl ;-)

but i prefer talking with msn then pm :_)
same. so add me! ill be online tomorrow hope so at least. :D
k i will :)) im sick tho so talk would be np :p

its the email on top??
all the best for u and yeah it is!
hi2u im saskia!
oki done :)

and i knew that :p nice name imo :p
I have x-7 and it's pretty good so I could recommend it, but still all pro tests I've seen so far favor Deathadder so it will be my next mouse I guess and if I were you I'd buy it right away!
Copperhead <3
deathadder. definitely
razer da<3
i guess you are right my hungarian/suddenlySwedish friend:
image: 51480-mousescore07
what does this graph actually show? 0_o
overall quality of the mouse
woah my mouse seems to be far better than i thought it is \o/
be happy retard :@
is that normal diamondback or 3G?
i guess its the normal db
must be..cuz 3G would be on the top !
Razer Lachesis was released last month rated better then all otheres by gamestar:

image: lachesis_blue5
DeathAdder ofc
I prefer DeathAdder :>
mx510, over 2years without any probs.
Logitech V200 Cordless Notebook Mouse

Me <3 it
thats why you suck
K sir , who never saw me play with it!

im just joking around, i dont give a fuck about ET
I prefer 3 years old diamondback
razer da
diamondback, mx518 and deathadder are nice for ET
QuoteHungaryTrevize on 13/12/07, 18:38:42 PM | Reply

G5 is fine. all who say anything else, never had it.
MX 510/518 rulez the world
price is not everything?
i didnt make the list... :P i just found it somewhere on the inet
btw this was from 4 januari 2007... so with the new 3G thingys it could very well be that they copperhead has improved alot
IME 3.0 <3
omg. after prolly many month this journal has passed i somehow found ur post and i gotta say u r one of the worst retards on this page!
deathadder ftw, ive got 1 and it pwns...
my mouse is broken (copperhead)

:( but ill buy it again!
diamondback ftw
imho trust 2euro mouse

mx518\g7 :o)
fatal 2020 is nice
have my mx510 for almost 3 years. And even in the most uninhatible environment of this planet - my living room - there was not the slightest sign of any flaw.
DeathAdder ofc :]
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