hot or not#2 o:

image: nataliedenning1920x1200gy3

image: nataliedenning1920x1200er3


good night btw=)
not rly
not , nice body but ugly face :D
tbh she shud have red hair, then it wud be instant boner! :D
ya, almost every second redhair gives me a boner :--o
Cut your hair you prick, that rapist look is awful.
you fail...
In what way? im the one looking awful.
your humor fails, and so does your intelligence it seems
This is not humor of any kind and who are you of all to talk about intelligence.
tbh your brains are too small to understand that there is more than ur little retarded "gangster" community, there are also alto's, with long hair, but yeh, that's where your brain fails, you don't get that.

tbh you'd better die of aids and do this world a big favor, lowbie
Oh all the feelings from school comming out on the internet, ye we seen this before.. i understand i use to bully ugly tards like you looking like fucking murders. And you know what you already got aids saw pictures of your father and he left your mother for being gay. We all know that.. so please stop your children remarks.. and dont release your anger over the internet, fucking rapist victim.
haha, YOU bully ppl like ME irl, can't stop laughing now. If you'd even try bullying me in real life I'd just fucking stand on you and then slap u 'til u wud cry like a little baby, fucking fagboy-poser
image: 5742_spreetjeeeee

Look at you, just fucking have a look your family cant even like you looking like that? oh you running out of insults i see.. and i started to hurt your feelings nice..... but you got one thing right your the kinda guy that could possible kill other people, ye im thinking of school massacares you got that look on you tbh...

And wtf you meen by gay fag poster? makes no sense.
tbh I'm prettier than u cud ever be in your entire fucking life :D
but im off to sleep now, next reply will be in a few hours
Okay, you lost this i won... now go make some plastic surgery you cunt.
you're even too chickenpussyfart to even post ur own pic online, coz u know ull diss urself then. You get a boner out of dissing other prettier ppl's online pix, coz it compensates what you miss in real life, LOOKS AND AN IDENTITY. You are the type of guy who got bullied at school for being a nerd n loser, and imo you will always be bullied in real life, that's why you are an e-hero, an hero!
Yes, i miss out some things in real life like, being a rapist, making school massacres, being ugly.. i leave that to people like you.
tbh the only thing you have in real life is your tiny cock so you can fap over pictures from pretty ppl like me

but now im rly off to sleep, cya in a few hours for the next diss!
top notch flame tbh
ahahahhahahahahha ownd
yep shes hot.
Nah, I dont like her eyes.
me neither, but you know you can put paper shit on her head and fuck her
Scary Movie style. :)
not... :\
stop looking at it 'fantasy' wise and think of it this way... if she where to come up to u, asking..... then what would u say
thats something different! I dont think shes particulary hot, but still hot enough :P
i dont think any red blooded male would say no, but shes not, imo, girlfriend material
not, dont like her face. And thats either a bad case of pushup gone wrong, or fake tities
fuckable but not marriageable
wise words sir
body ok
face isnt
lol whiners
just bang her
russian pornstar imo
who is this guy then
image: 14215569_178764b
captain gay from norway
close but its tornis dad and also the guy who play pippi långstrumps dad
pippi longstocking?
the father of pipi langkous xD
tbh, she looks boring.
Tbh, you also look boring!
Your yawn isnt very fun to look at either ;)
Natalie Denning is hot

All those saying no have never touched a girl before
who is this then #2 (tip its in tornis family)
image: 5efc326ed2da49b3bd2397b786b2cd37
silicon < all
- ugly face imo
- silicon boobs ??
looks kind off like a trany :s
image: mcgiver
image: Mr.%20Mcgiver

wnb mcgiver
image: terminator
image: szwarceneger

Dammit, all my mates...
It's a man.
eyes are too penetrating
except for the ones with wifes/girlfriends/kids, everyone here on xfire would bone her till she'd die.
boobs are too fake
you would fuck it, but like theres MILLIONS better looking girls.

she is too fake with too much surgery. probably been photoshopped/airbrushed to the max aswell :)

real girls > fake girls.
her lips look like a swimming ring,
no thx
dont like her face
she's ok
did her..
nice :D
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