
Hi, me and some friends are comming to berlin tomorow and staying there for 4 days (15.12-19.12). It would be great if someone from berlin could give us some advise about where to go and what to do there, anything special going on?.
Also could you name some "must see" clubs. We like house,elektro etc but if the mood is right and its a nice place then anything goes.
And one more thing, whats the best way to travel there?

ask perfo schnee!
she isn't livin' in berlin!
dirty city ,,, stay at home
ask biqqqqqqqqq
well there r some nice clubs.,com_030party/task,searchToday/Itemid,67/
here a side from belrin where u can search for parties n stuff.

u have to see no tresor although i dont like it.
a great club is weekend or watergate. bioth are great deep house, electro clubs. i like them. my favs

uuhmmm there r so many nice places in berlin...
I know there are allot of nice places there, to bad we can only see a tiny piece of it.
Could you explain that "no tresor" didn't quite get it, is it a club or an event?
oops i meant tresor.
u dont know the old tresor? it was afaik first techno club.
it closed and now its back but it is actually like a too large club..
not the right classic feeling u shoud have in a club.. :/
but its new and all say u have to go there..

and u should visit (travelling with bvg) all around hackescher markt. nice bars, shops, ppl, clubs.
Well i guess we have to check it out. How old do you have to be to get in those clubs you mentioned? (we are 21-22)
u r old enough. 18 afaik.
Thats great, since some clubs here in helsinki got like 22.
But hey thanks for your advises :)
18 or maybe 21
btw, theres also a n1 freetek and hardcore scene in berlin! =)
ah to add nice party at saturday
club matrix, tresor club, went to both, was nice.
Berlin Kreuzberg - go there and sing "türke türke".
very nice song,it's my favourite one :o
also noch immer der kleine nazi von nebenan :)
nein,aber nationalist und in kreuzberg lebt (fast) nur abschaum,dass kannst du nicht bestreiten
QuoteAnd one more thing, whats the best way to travel there?

tickets are expensive, in most cases the prices cost more than 2,5 euros :<
kreuzberg is the place to be.
i wanted to tell them the same ^^
kreuzberg and Neukölln! very nice places to visit with very friendly people
artists, free spirits, etc live there! \o/ hooray!
u got it!
Führerbunker + Reichstag
We really dont have time nor intrest to see historical places, just want to blow of some steam ;)
tempelhof, neukölln and kreuzberg.
"Gendarmenmarkt" for some xmas feelings. :)

If u like (ugly) MILFs visit the "Speicher" @ Warschauer Straße.
speicher... phhsowas kannste doch keinem empfehlen. duuuh
Vielleicht sollte ich die Klammern wegnehmen. :P
na nicht ma erwähnen darftse sowas, wenn dann schon gute empfehlungen. davon gibbet doch genug in berlin! :D
There are some nice bars around Warschauer Straße.

And Oranienburger for the expensive fun with easteuropean girls.
Hf chris!!
Joo ehdottomasti! Sain tos aamupäiväl tietää et lähetään, taas näitä :D
jahas :D vähä niinku se sun katoaminen sinne espanjaan tjsp, niitten festareittes jälkee =)
hasenehide and cottbusser tor are the shit to get drugs or get beatn up or both
Marzahn , my old ghetto
btw drink BERLINER PILSNER its ownage beer
what music are you rolling?
I understand if you dont like it, but why do you HATE it if i may ask?
Juu pidä hauskaa vaan Chris!

Mullaki oli eilen niin hauskaa juosta sukkahousuis muutaman sadan ihmisen edessä (puurojuhla)
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