polaks empire

Rofl look @ gamestv polaks team overrule the whole et scene , new talents (hacks) came and older teams get owned . What do u think ? In 6 Months only white/red Flag on GAMESTV BIGGEST MATCHLISTS ???

LOL PolandPolandPolandPolandPolandPolandPolandPolandPoland
yeah fucking polaks they should all get fucking aids!
lol i like ur direct way of saying what you think , just like me
et is a national sport there because its free
It's too cold to work outside, that's why they are playing and trying to win some cups/lans. When the winter is over everything will be back to normal.
but still polaks > russians :)
good that they are doing LANs & attending there! Poland keeps the ET alive!
well i think sure the mass of players keep it theoretical alive, but the mass of fucking hackers keeps it dieing and , is one of the main reasons why players quit playing et
you are paranoid, old teams quited because they couldnt handle the skill anymore!
chmpp always speaking the truth !
thats ideologistic , u think because idle or gunslingers quit every team quit because of that , think of other med-high teams who just got killed because of hackers , i just can speak for the german et scene , when i started playing et there was a big ammount of german teams , playing the ESL now there are only 1-5 german only speaking teams so the whole german community dies , and many of them quits et bec ause of stupid polaks hacker
thats what I meant.. if a low polish team has started to play from demo and they finally manage to beat a decent clan 07', first idea is that they are just bunch of zero to hero hackers, omg fucking hackingscene lets quit. :). I dont think people quit because of cheaters(ofc some do but they are just paranoid), but because they are tired of playing. Cheaters are just an excuse!

+ its easy to avoid ppl who you think are cheating
ye im low and think that every1 who kills me is a hacker :D
i have to agree... u r low and in your opinion every1 who kills u is cheater<o/
1st: more ppl on CB banlist from NL than PL...
2nd: PL hasnt got so many spammer... polaks are more silent than any other countries... except malczik...he is a fucking retard.
3rd: i just admire the polish ET community how big is it, and how well organized. (sites like et.owned.pl)
4th: ask perfo but donno why...
Has anyone considered the fact that most people quit ET because they had been playing it for 2, 3 or even 4 years?

Seems more plausible than the whole "OMGOAT HACKERS" argument.
Common sense is a motherfucker
Common sense never fucked my mother, otherwise, she would actually have some inside her.
Well that's too bad!
polish philosophy: "Why pay for expensive games, if you have the best for free"

But none the less polakland is keeping the game alive ---> big + for them
Should this not be the philosophy of the rest of the reasonable world?
Someone told me its cuz they couldnt afford other new games...xD
Not sure if thats true but I'm sill bitter one nicked my bike...

But yea I noticed it also.........
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