mouse accel prob

Hi! I have small problem. When i move my mouse slow, I can do 180 degrees with 1 move, when I move fast, it is MUCh less then 180. Why? Help me. ET game.

900 dpi, deathadder, in_mouse -1 , mouse acc = off
You need to disable it in windows.
It is disabled
Also in your registry?
Yea, i added registry value
I don`t have a razer so I am not sure. But it clearly sounds as the mouse accel isn`t disabled. You need to disable it in ET, in ur mouse config program and in windows. (mouse settings + windows registry).
I did it 1 more time (added registry file from raziel cfg) , disabled acceleration in razer drivers and disabled it in game, and nothing helps. So, I must play along, thank u anyway :)
its negative accel not accel, so turning off all the things that give you postive accel will make your problem even worse
in_mouse -1 = neg accel ?
direct input.. but that doesnt work in ET right? well i used mf_init for that
If i put in_mouse to 0 then I cant move my crosshair , but my windows arrow appears out of nowhere :x

1 or -1 is only way to detect it for me

But he has negative accel for sure
are you stupid :DDD ?
where do you think 0 stands for?
No im not stupid , 0 worked with my destkop...
it sounds like neg accel
1. in_mouse -1 doesn't do anything
2. fps, resolution? does it happen when using 450 dpi?
[3. does it happen when using mforce?]
You are experiencing negative acceleration. Check the next things:

-what is your fps? lower fps => more neg accel
-what is your resolution? lower resolution => more neg accel
-what is your dpi? You say you are using 900dpi, but are you using default windows sens? Max windows sens = dpi * 2. Default windows sens = dpi * 1
Mouse: Razer Deathadder @ 900 dpi 500hz
Windows sensitivity: 6/11
Razer sensitivity: 10
In-game sensitivity: 1.5
Mousepad: Qpad CT 30x26cm
Resolution: 800x600

I have no negative accel at all.
Try higher resolution -.-

800X600 = low
I have no neg accel in 1024x768 aswell. But i like to play with 800x600 in et & q3. But in other FPS games i have 1024x768.
Oops, I thought you were Dart :DDD

He has wrong settings in his registry imo
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