greatest ever?

seen them like 6 or 7 times live. best performance live band EVER?
best live band = dream theater, no doubt
U must mean the show right? coz the music is rly simple :P
PERFORMANCE. just the best crowd pleasing band ever. they go mental, ive been there, i went mental. you need to go to appreciate the shit man :<
hehe I know how drumnbass = live, <3 the parties, but imo if u wanna see a real good live performance, u shud either check acdc or motley crue, completely different catagory, but live sooooo awesome :D
best crowd = on iron maiden concerts
been there, was crap tbh :/
because nl people dont know the lyrics

korn and ensiferum are nice aswell
its just about letting urself slip into a drugged world... :o)
saw them live, it was fucking amazing they really know how to play, only singer is a bit out sometimes. DT fans on cf xD
:D tbh every live singer is off sometimes, certanly he coz of the ranges he sings in.
agree, Portnoy is crazy man :D
portnoy is one of the best drummers around, too bad he's a scheme drummer, he can't improvise ;)
ye ofc eh can't improvise on music like that, they almost never fuck up, almost bcuz my mate saw them once on a concert with a litlle fail xD (they were playing endless sacrifice lolz)
it's not the music, he just rly can't improvise (and trust me btw, u can improvise with drums A LOT on this music ;) )
i saw him improvising on some cut scenes, ye i agree that improvising on music like that shouldn't be a problem but band like DT really don't need to improvise, they are all academic musicians
I don't say they need to improvise, I say portnoy simply can't improvise, it's not in his range of abilities ;)
k i won't say nothing cuz i don't know for sure, maybe he can or maybe can't xD
trust me, I know for sure ;)
let's say I know enough about drumming ;)
my cousin is drum addict too, bcuz of that am sayin
got some recordings?
maybe i have some old one but that was beginning, he is doing the best when he is playing alone so it is hard to take a shoot :D
yea, know it ^^ have the same
your my wife now, and keypoint. ahhhh they were the days tekk ;)
don't tell me :DDD without those fucking cheaters, now all is fucked up
we owned back then tbh tekk.we never lost a game, and without bullshit or hax. but you're right, fukking haxxors ruined et :<
u goin on bio now? coz if yes, im joinin ;)
haha true, even single match :D was so nice to play
DT = Dark Tranquillity thanQs, don't call some stupid prog metal band DT!
fuck you wiht your dark tranquility, dream theater are way much better, instead of your bloody trash shit, everybody can make few acords, drumline like insane mixed with brootal singing
You have obviously never listened to Dark Tranquillity, nor do you seem to know the genre called Melodic Death Metal. I on the other hand have listened to Dream Theater and own the solo album of Petrucci and I can tell you that neither are great. Dream Theater has a poor vocalist and their songs are long and dull, the solo album is quite decent, but becomes quite boring after a while too.
I've listened dark tranqulity few times, ok lets say they are not bad (for my music taste) but still dream theater are way more melodic. If u check few posts below i said that i don't like singer neither but still music is very melodical and very well trained. They are academic musicians what can you expect :D Did u see Live at Budokan, if not download it.
Yes I have seen it. Used to like their music some time ago, but now I'm into "heavier" music. What I don't understand though, is that when people listen to heavier music, they always think that it's less melodic even though that's not always the case. So I just can't agree with you that Dream theater is more melodic, if you listen to Dark Tranquillity's album The Gallery it's the most melodic music you will ever hear. Btw my remark "DT = Dark Tranquillity thanQs, don't call some stupid prog metal band DT! " was more of a joke because I knew Nocti would reply on it. ^^
Goodbye concert of Böhse Onkelz must have been awesome, but I wasn't there ;(
Prodigy is so awesome!!
jesus but just look at that , and think what its like to be front row...
cool song. but i doubt i'd really enjoy such music in on a concert.

also i wonder how much coke went through keiths nose
half of columbia :(
come on guys where is tokio hotel ;)
audiobullies for me, and i agree with spree that dreamtheater is extremly good aswell live
saw em in 1998 or 1999 in Germany, one of best concerts I been to....after that, somehow not the same...
Prodigy is the only techno/dance band i can sometimes listen to with some pleasure (firestarter + voodoo ppl > all), although im death/black/other metal fan \m/ d[o_o]b \m/
De Dijk.

You won't notice any difference when you either see them live or you hear them on their cd..
Muhammad Ali.

Would beat all those gay bands above and below my comment.
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