WEP key [all lang]

Hey guys

following problem
i m here at my girlfriends laptop at my girls house

her father is skiiing and he allowed me to use their wlan with my laptop
he tryed to explain me how to encode the 128 wep key (he told me the normal keyword which has to be encoded)

he wanted me to use some netgear utility to encode it, but this utility doesnt work/ doesnt have the userrights to be used on my girls account.

he already entered my WLANmacadress in the router before he went skiing and he gave me and ip.
i already configured my wlan. i have got the right ip and now i only need to enter the wep key (the 128bit encoded one)

i need some application or programm to encode it as wep 128 bit!
anybody here that could help me?

thx in advance

yours sincerely
should you not be having sex right now>?
i live together with her, i can do that whereever and whenever i want...
we just have to be here atm cuz her parents are skiing and want us to watch the dog

she s cooking atm btw
should you not be having sex right now>?
ur @ your sexyyyy gf !!!! :O fuck offf pc ....fuck her !

I suppose you would need to use the exact utility her father gave you to get the same encrypted WEP with that specific keyword. Using a diff utility would probably result in a diff WEP. So you better get started @ fixing that utility :P
ey oliver <3, can't help you because i have no idea what your talking about :< my dad used different thingy in his wlan(and i use wire nowadays)
1v1 mp_bed
hm.. normal müsste bei deiner welan karte jan treiber oder ne software oder so sein? irgendwas wo du die wlan netzte angezeigt bekommst. und dort solltest du irgendwo einstelln können welche verschlüsselung dfas is (128,64 bit oder noch irgendwas) und das pw auch eingeben.
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