Hello i'm writing some coverage about this Eurocup's final between EDIT and MPG. Therefor i'm interviewing some known people from both teams, and some other people who know much about the game.

But i'd also like to put in one statement made by a 'random' person from the community. So if you are able to write a decent and constructive comment about the upcoming final please either pm me with it, or write it in this journal.

Note that you have to write it in decent english, it has to have a content, and you have to write who you think has the best odds to win the game. (an additional score would be nice aswell => what will the score be for this game)
So where is my pm
geen shoutout naar mij in je profile?
omg slet :x
De Belg voelt zich weer belangrijk hoor.
i would prefer to watch impact in final, i know they are new and doesnt seems to be so strong but their gamestill is fun to watch :D
The sun is shining

IMO mpg wins -> has more ownz000rz and edit not winz cuz ->hasnt many ownz00rz

me win :)
This EC final will be a mental war, since they are skillwise less or more equal to eachother.

I think mentally the belgian side is very strong, they are a bunch of belgian tards (we all know belgians are retards), who aren't scared to flame and they know eachother very good, maybe too good.

But on the otherside if mpg plays their own game, and doesn't get influenced by all the tactical provocation of EDIT, then MPG should take it.

My prediction MPG 2-4 EDIT.

My 2 cents.
I think mentally the belgian side is very strong

I didn't even know that there was an eurocup going on.
Belgium EDiT vs Germany MPG, the outcome of this fall season. The road to this final was a long one for both teams. Belgium EDiT seemed to be the best on in the loserbrackets, Germany MPG continued their winningstreak in the winnerbrackets. And tomorrow evening it's so far, the clash between the best. After defeating United Kingdom Impact,Belgium EDiT suprised everyone and they've showed the community they can handle the top of the ET scene. But Germany MPG is still unbeatable in this EC and they'll be very greedy!
My score: Germany MPG 4-2 Belgium EDiT
I guess you mean 'outcome'? (ontknoping)
mpg > edit
edit won't stand a chance, 4-0 MPG btw
mAus playing for EDiT?

[srry voor het spammen van je inbox :<]
dont think so !
edit is playing for a long time together. i think tis the most stable team in this EC ? and they are also fucking laggers ;o
lets see who is right <3
edit has always been playing impressively, but has also been losing important matches :) like they say about spanish football team: "they played like never before... they lost like always" =)
GL Kevin mate! :D

LAN-finals imo..
sorry to disappoint you
Don't listen to him. Your shoutcasts are excellent. Keep the good work up!
Rofl it wont be close.
MPG 4-0 , nP.
4-2 for EDiT
su random comments are not wanted!
Registered on the same day as me ^_^
MPG should be able to pumunize them!
So now is mAus actually going to play for EDiT? That's like letting Micheal Schumacher drive for Lewis Hamilton in the last race to gain the title, which would never worked and this won't work aswell. 4-0 MPG, because butchji is always good in finals.
i like this statement , gj!
np 4 swine
ok, my comment:

ez bash for mpg
I would like to see the match at lan :DD should be played at cdc4
Then it would be too easy for mPg with butchji @ lan :<.
It would because I would be there to help him with the pc settings!
29 acc max +no hs? :D (hi2u2 rocky / butchji ) inet skillz =/= lan skillz
ur so nice to this community :DD
realist you mean? :D
you didnt play on a LAN, did you?
only lan at my house with some ppl (some portuguese et players there too ... and one 6s player).
dont talk about butchji then? first come to a lan yourself
yes but now think about me and butchji. He is like super high at internet and played low+/med max at lan.. im med/med+, if i go to lan my skill would be the same or atleast the diference wont be soo big. Take mystic or mAus example. They are very good at inet/lan at lan.. and butchji? you should play css and understand my point ;)
he didnt play badly at lan?
then i sugest you to go watch cdc3 demos
=D, die was niks

zeroNULpoint xD
EDIT and MPG? never heard of them and they are in the final? dident even know there was a ec this year
czar vs yerman mix
EDiT 4 : MPG 2

@ all the mAus-fanboys:

same goes to butchjis fanboys
MPG will win for shizzle
Both bashed Impact, it'll be a nice match to watch. Well yes, EDiT has mAus, but his aim may be fucked due to QW :<.

EDiT 2-4 MPG
well its kinda annoying that EDiT wouldnt have made it this far without mAus vs Impact gaming but hey, welcome to ET

gl anyway belgians :)
Please stop the whine about "omg mAus will do it now blabla". A lot of edit players can reach the same skill as him on a good day so it's not that he'll just come and play supersub so edit wins ..
lioco verdoeme xD

pak em
I hope MPG, the random unprovoked flame that EDiT gives is really shameful.
EDiT doesnt give random flame =(
What was all that stuff against eVo then? :(
1. Not me.
2. It was TO eVo, not random
Random would be like, make a journal, start flaming you without any reason & clue.
3. We can be nice too xD
By random I just meant unprovoked and out of nowhere. :P

Be nicer!
i'm always nice :(
Both teams have traveled far to get to this final, and shown good skill as, not just a team, but as players themselves. This promises to be a very tense game, I probably wont have any fingernails left after this. But, as in most games, there has to be a winner, and O am going to have to go with the German powerhouse, GermanyMega Pro Gaming.

My predicted score: GermanyMega Pro Gaming 4-2 Belgium EDiT
2much aim power at mpg (butchji, weak, snoop)
gifty :DDD
If different people have different point of views, a discussion would never end because you can't prove another one's mind wrong, if you didn't notice that already. And we both know what we think about eachother, so I guess I won't atleast bother anymore in the future. So I set a point there and wish you a nice day! =)
lio, that's what I mean. We both have different points of view, and we could discuss and flame eachother for days without coming to an end, because we also both think we're right, so why bothering? I'll stop for myself, you know what I think about you, I know what you think about me, end. Have a good
let me remind you that I never wanted this discussion to start, but do you really think if you set comments like you just removed yours that were just gonna sit back and watch, then people start asking themselves why we flame, please.
make the love!!!
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