Squid cant post a journal anymore so!

Hi there,

I got a lil' question and i can't ask it to perfo cause i got no irc annymore
so now im pm'ing xfire:D
"are there bots for rtcw" bots who move and stuff i know bobots for ET but are there also that kind of things for rctw?I know i should google for it but don't really have the time*not on my own pc and dad could get home soon lol*

pls help me:) a good site/link where i can download it and a good explain thingy for what to do... (kiss)

kiss kiss:DDD
:DD now im in love with u<3
only aimbot
LoL, dunno just play rtcw single player?
can't got a bug in that i won't start and i don't want to reinstal... gonna format pc in a week so just need it for this week
had same bug,

solution for me: removing configs in main map etc
if someone got it gief me too !
they're called bobots or bobot. they're not really skilled though haha
they are for ET only... well thats what i thought
ye i got that one also on my usb so i think im gonna run to my pc now and try it out... not sure about the yerman shit cause im dutch and all but nP :D thx annyway
Yup, google is your friend
ask netcoders xD
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