Foonr in london

So first we went for a pub and now we are in foster island (which es made up) and its been well good pulled some birds (:ddDD) btw tosspot is a rent boy... He shouldve been here as welll but he prefered shoutcasting cgs :F and sucking off carmac every fucking night its like he had no time for fusen or nellie :(
anyway its been fun and enjoy your evening
when are u leaving london? I get back on MOnday
Lol i love the way you commented back, it's so immature but totally needed! :o
im going to london for 4 weeks in february :D
I ended up missing on a fantastic opportunity to meet the legendary foonr :(

What you think of England? Sucks dunnit.
London has been proper fun the last three nights but foonr wrote about 90 % of his in the mcdonalds so its full of shit
go away then if it sucks so much.
hehhheee wel thuis
ow stray lamb
stay there...dont come back
forgot you were in london :<
You go to london to meet "THE" Foonr?
omfg ;)
Have fun Canadian
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