8800 gt vs gtx

Can anybody explain me, why gtx version costs double more if the cards ar almost on the same level? (there is just almost no different by the game tests)
gtx is better and cost more, easy as dell :)

but gt is more bang for buck.
gtx stands for x-rated graphics
because gtx is better, thats all. its just.. umm.. ye, dunno. it costs more cuz its better!:P
The very best hardware always costs way more than the mid-high end stuff.
more letterz
Fuck all these retards above, they don't know shit.

The GTX used to be better since it was an overclocked GT. If you'd overclock your GT, you'd get the same performance out of it as the GTX, only you'd lose your guarantee, back like a month ago or smth. Now, the GT actually performs better in SLI or in QUAD-SLI than the GTX, coz of the new chip architecture, which IS intergrated in the GT, but not in the GTX. So I'd suggest going for the GT, altough in single GPU mode it won't perform better, exept for if you'd overclock it, which does make you lose your guarantee but at least it performs the same ;)

"I'd suggest going for the GT"

only thing thats correctin that pile of crap you wrote
rly, you don't know shit, you deserve to get aids and die :/
how mature ;)
where's the G92 part?
"coz of the new chip architecture"
the gt-version from MSI is for example already overclocked at 10 %.
I just dont understand if the cards show the same performance (i woudnt say "almost the same", coz in almost all causes there is a diferent of maximal 5 Percent, if u look at test on games like Bioshock), why gtx version costs double more?
Ar there any important reasons for that?
Btw i saw anewhere a test, that 2 Sli-gt-cards perform more as one expensive gtx-ultra.
lol, he's shitting you.
no I'm not, two gt's perform better than two gtx'es, rly, check the test results if you don't believe. mb in the first 10 mintes of gaming you'd get better performance with gtx, but after that 10 minutes the old chipsets from the gtx'es will generate so much heat and use so much power that it will degrade your performance drastically, something which doesn't occur with the gt's new chipset's architecture ;)
But all your explanations are grabbed out of thin air and totally wrong.
its mostly the chip i think..
and (correct me if im wrong?) but because of the smaller bus the 8800GTX should do much better at highsettings on a high resolution..

you know all those cool people that would rather play 1920x1440 with 60 hz instead of 1024x768 with 100+hz
dunno about 1920x1440, but with 1600*1200 there ar the same results, and 1600* 1200 is really enough for playing
lol, go and hang up some other bullshit story somewhere else XD
u lose warranty if u overclock? :Xd
didnt even read the rest of that bullshit (actually i read it, quad sli with gt XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Hän tekee kuolemaa. Olen hyvin liikuttuneessa tilassa.
The GTS (320/640)/GTX/Ultra are all more than a year old.

The GTS1 (512)/GT are about a month old, since the manufacturing process is better, the chips are smaller and consume less power, both leading to a lower cost. They also reduced the memory interface from 384/320 bit to 256 bit, reducing pin count and PCB manufacturing costs.

I remember 3 years ago nvidia's X was the weaker one, and ati's X was the better. Dunno how they name the cards lately.
fx5600 > fx5600xt
ati 9600 < ati 9600xt
Inferior goods ( dno if its translated correctly ). GTX is only interesting for some people because its soooo "nice'.

The creme de la creme of the market is always disproportionate expensive in comparisation to the products that are a tine bit worse.

Take the GT , best value for money.
gtx is shit they will remove it soon as the old 8800 gts series. go for 8800 gt
hmm. maybe I should toss away my gtx and get a gt?
not when you already have a 8800 gtx but if youre gonna get a new system then it will not be worth it. its still a great card but not for that money. just wait for the 9 series
when will they be out?
not sure yet but i can look up and pm you. But 8800 GT is definitly worth its price.
just wait for the 9000 series.
Wie overweegt om een GeForce 8800 kaart aan te schaffen, zal weten dat het aanbod gigantisch is. In Nederland zijn van minstens tien merken dergelijke kaarten te krijgen. Wanneer je verschillen tussen al die GeForce 8800 GTS en GTX kaarten probeert te zoeken, zul je er achter komen dat die er eigenlijk niet zijn. Dat is op zich niet vreemd, want alle fabrikanten maken stuk voor stuk gebruik van nVidia's referentiekaart. Een GeForce 8800 is namelijk dusdanig complex dat het zelf ontwerpen van een nieuw bord of een andere koeler voor de meeste fabrikanten niet rendabel is. Buiten dat zijn er hooguit een handvol fabrieken die deze kaarten daadwerkelijk produceren en in de regel zijn dat niet eens fabrieken die gelieerd zijn aan één van de merken. Geen wonder dat vrijwel alle GeForce 8 kaarten hardwarematig identiek zijn: dezelfde kaart met exact dezelfde koeler. Alleen prijkt op elk merk een ander stickertje. Het enige dat een fabrikant hardwarematig nog zou kunnen doen, is er een andere koeler op schroeven.

Hoe kunnen fabrikanten zich dan van elkaar onderscheiden? In feite hebben ze daar maar weinig mogelijkheden toe. Belangrijk is natuurlijk de prijs: juist aangezien de kaarten eigenlijk identiek zijn, zullen velen al snel op zoek gaan naar de goedkoopste GTS of GTX. Een andere mogelijkheid waarmee merken zich onderscheiden van hun concurrenten is met behulp van gebundelde games: als een bepaald merk één of meer nieuwe spellen meelevert, kan dat voor velen net een reden om voor dat merk te kiezen. Maar er is nog één manier waarop fabrikanten zich kunnen onderscheiden: hogere snelheden!

---------------------------------GeForce 8800 GTX-------- GeForce 8800 GTS
Geheugenkloksnelheid----- 1800MHz---------------------1600MHz
Shaderkloksnelheid--------- 1350MHz---------------------1200MHz
Streamprocessors---------- 128 ---------------------------96
Geheugencapaciteit-------- 768MB------------------------640MB
Geheugenbus--------------- 384-bit----------------------- 320-bit
Geheugenbandbreedte---- 86,4GB/sec-------------------64,0GB/sec
Fillrate------------------------36.8 gigapixel/sec---------- 24,0 gigapixel/sec

Call of Duty 2 - 1680x1050 - No AA

GPU----------------------------VRAM-------Score (fps)
nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX__768MB_____57,8
nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS__640MB_____50,8


image: knipselxw5
New Technology G92 !1!1q!1!11!!!1!11
8800 GTX 768mb is still better on very very high resolution, even better then the new 8800 GTS 512mb and 8800GT 512mb.
In some games and application the new GTS > GTX.
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