i've got

a worm on my PC fuck : (

its -> crss.exe : (

how can i remove this shit :S?
with a hammer
Use an antivirus/antispyware.

image: virusb
To fix this, I booted up in safe mode w/ networking. I uninstalled AVGFree since it would not update and when I tried in Safe Mode it would hang and act wacky from then on. So after installing it in Safe Mode, I ran it w/o updating. It found my virus. I noted the location of the virus and deleted the virus from within AVG.

I then went to the folder it was found in and allowed myself to view 'hidden files and folders' so I could find the pesky folder. I then went in and found the other .exe that was running. I deleted the folder.

I then brought up my win.ini file and went to the very bottom. I made a backup just in case. I saw the loading script for the two files and deleted that section and saved it.

Now my PC works fine and my antivirus progs can be used in normal conditions. 'Services' can now be launched as well. It's all good. If you know anyone who has had this virus and has had issues, point them to this post.
i cant even go to safe mode :S,

reboot-> F8 ..... but it goes to Windows XP...

halp me axel !
Why cant you go in safe mode?
dunno :s

if i reboot zeh pc and then pres or hold f8 -> Windows Xp

As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, press F8.
If your computer is configured for booting to multiple operating systems, you can press F8 when the boot menu appears.
Mkaj i was in safe mode now but what shall i click ?




coz if i go to normal Windows XP its only "Dario" there
Uhh try them both, I would go for Dario.
lanonly is a very nice nick
dig it out with a shovel and go fish
nod32, kaspersky
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