Yellow triangles.

Recently while playing ET I have started getting yellow triangles in the lagometer every few seconds.

image: lag

When they occur I lag out for a split second, so it's pretty annoying to play with. Is anyone else having/has had a similar issue and if so how did you fix it? Otherwise does anybody have any idea what may be causing this or how I can fix it?

Thanks :o)

I'm on ADSL2+, no wireless.
using wirelesss lan>?
chatscripts wont work anymore...:<
isn't that server related?
quit whining, I always have this : D, be greatful that ppl can hit you and you can't hit them : D?
check your task manager for weird programs or use hijackthis
get those the entire time and my green line has lots of spaces in it. Isnt that normal?
When I had this my router was broken (wired)
green line: inetlags
upper line: fps
if you have fps laggs you get the yellow shit
easiest solution is to turn lagometer off, as people obviously tend to pay too much attention to it ;)
ofc fo shure.. goal for urself again :D
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