hax or not

played snd cup 3on3

got kicked for this

http://rapidshare.com/files/76979348/pepper-vs-snd-frostbite.rar.html (demo)

*2nd demo, watch from 1:00

(its a short demo btw)

first mirror http://rapidshare.com/files/76986970/pepperhax.avi.html (avi)
2nd www.nspxtra.dk/pepperhax.avi (avi)
dont use rapidshare omg
avi or it never happened
avi or it didn't happen
avi or it never happened
pepper is making a .avi of it now, he will show that he hear that guy.
The fucking admins kicked us out from the sNd3v3 cup, after we won the semifinal agianst them.

nice cup !11!!1
Suprised they let you play in the first place ..
ok tell me why
I think you can answer that question for yourself.
bcuz your swedish,fucking obvious , ex-banned and retarded?
snd are retards anyway :(
Obvious wh.

Well done.
clear hax!
shouldnt you know better ?
I will just say 1 thing. I will not discuss with a polish/malta retard.
i think you need glasses, or go back to school and learn that not only Poland got red/white colors in their flag.

and plz, say to pepper that he can put is .avi in his retarded ass!

btw: nice edit, retard
well.. kicking because of pepper isn´t right.. kick them because of alexL´s uberhax ! i heard he is eating creatin and much carbohydrates ? :P
Muhaha nice 1 pepper xD :D
you can here a pack sound.. thats about it..
fuck_face eh?
cheaters whining about cheaters?
pepper is making a .avi of it now, he will show that he hear that guy.
The fucking admins kicked us out from the sNd3v3 cup, after we won the semifinal agianst them.

nice cup !11!!1

dont play the cup anymore then!
its possible to hear the guy but u cant understand if he right there etc...
i heard that and i would've done the same, only my nade would have hit!!!1onE
i would have looked first tbh, instead of jumping
true, nade mastrrr
fuckin cheater eat my cum
lol @ demo
avi pls
and for this shit i used my rapidshare premium account...
i heard him aswell, but still its not understandable that u just jumped and looked that way, he could have been behind u aswell
obvius place to hide
how can you hear it? he is shooting with the enemy in front of him, how can you hear him going there?
that guy was throwing med packs or something...
what an unexpected position rly.. everyone wouldve done that, you could easily check that pepper was first checking the entranceway and didnt see anyone, so where else would the guy be hiding?
between the open spot and the stairs, thats where i would go :/
1: You could hear him
2: Most obvious place to hide
a reputation

once you get it

you have to live with it and knowing that one day

this reputation is going to bring you down

had the same at school, sux

to admins:

you can ban every clan this situations happens every fucking match
Those guys are just pathetic- you can't even play a mere pcw with them. They didn't want to play with us because they got a bit owned and said that I was a hacker because I had no etpro guid. Nice excuse, I guess.

And now I see that they make even more problems.

But I guess it can't be helped because such retards think they are the best in the world and if you do something that shows that they are no more than lowskilled, then the whine begins.
the bug with the etpro guid is fixed a long time ago... if u still got that one u need to reinstall your drivers or u are just a cheater...
If the bug was fixed for good, then I would have my etpro guid.

And if you think that having no etpro guid means the same as being a cheater then it's your mistake.
you can obviously hear a little healing sound

still, omgoawd @ your aim ;D
You can hear a medpack, and that is a standard spot to sit; but hell, I would kick you out of my cup as well :D
Nothing special, we can heear easyly the medic pack so i think its only ragekick from fucking retard admin
I would have done the same even if I didn't hear any sound :D (since there's a teammate in the truck courtyard blocking the only other way out)
nice config pepper (i wont tell anybody)
sinner helped him :XDDDDDDd
yeah :D (but sssst!)
oh its secret.. god damn :<
maybe this was the final thing in a long string of many "weird" things that you did over the whole match. i somehow doubt that one incident of you throwing a nade made them boot you, but maybe 25 incidents before that did. maybe upload all your demos of the game, not just the one you dont look to bad in? let the COMMUNITY decide!!!!
hey im almost unbanned from cb, u gonna unban me from bio aswell? :D
was the only weird thing I did, I even got surprised when he actually was there

but I clearly heard him
tard admins = tard cup
Nice lowskilled admins, they still say u cant hear that guy. fucking retards
how could we here it on the demo then?:o)
u hear him @ demo and avi
wel on the avi i did but i can´t listen the demo( no ET loel)
like if pepper who hacked all the time, just returns after his ban completely innocent and without hax!
it's just ridiculous
well oke for me it was hard to hear(no headset on) but when i played and i heard someone heal near that place with obj i would also look there but about the nade... maybe it is you game style but oke.. so could be clean but could not be but i played u and alex once or twince and I didn't thought you where cheating/haxing just skillz
first of all, he didnt come the side way with the obj (service door), so i would assume that he was hiding somewhere, and that would be the first position to throw the nade at.
yeah true! but stil nice config ;)
i hear someone healing. but still dont wanna believe a cheater :D
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