Hackers Day

Happy Birthday to: BaCkrapeskilled, BaCkrapeskill, BaCkrape, keNta!, tramal, lew, baddnewz1337, extt, exttt, Relativity, MeatBallz, Ankel, reaperii, Blindi, wrook, J3r3m, libbb, Xspector, igi, BliTZs, toddler, Envi, baddnewz, keNtaaa, R4dZ1u, klo5e, kloseh, forsen, Sphinx, DeepFreeZ

3 hackers birthday today. HB!
hb kloseh <3
ty coach :D

hb klo5e & blindi :o)
ty mate :o)
i guess theres nothing wrong with hackers.. unless they're too stupid.

btw hb blindi!!
Also Denmark Ankel and Sweden forsen so that evens it out.
hi, any news about a new swertcw?
There's 3 hackers in there?

unccl oveguqnl
hb all !
HB to kenta! , kloseh, DeepFreeZ
HB kloseh !!!
:o) estonian powa
häpy bday Blindi.. hope u get lucky :)
HB Blindi <3
hb Denmark Ankel <3
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