html problem

with my homepage


image: upload1 seems to be ok


image: upload2 over the border - looks ugly :S

How to get the same result with Firefox?
i just had html but i dont have a fuckin clue :p
use internet xplorer
buy new pc
I guess you are talking about the button size, its bigger in this example, cause there is more text in it... ;)

So write value="choose..." into the button tag, then it should be about the same size...
<input name="upfile" value="Choose..." type="file" />

is not working :(

sry I'm a noob ^^
install english windows and it will say "Choose" :P
hmm, as it seems, this doesnt work for file-inputs. There is no way to change the Text in the button by using html. There is however a rather large javascript solution for that. If you are interested in that, I can give you a link.

Otherwise you will have to think of another way to design it...
Check the cookie-settings in IE?
Just messing with you =P
use css for positioning . html sucks
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