polish cup not rly fair

How is it, clan which does not exist and the one which havent even won a single match actualy playing it - they are advancing from the group on higher spot than us. Note, we have beaten them both :/ Listen.

- Group contains 9 teams. 4 teams are to go to playoffs.

- There are 4 good teams + 3 worse teams (us, clan A and clan B) + 2 clans which collapsed at the beginning.

- My clan plays with all good enemies in our group as first matches, ofc loses those matches, then 3 of those clans get red cards.

- Now, there are: 1 clan which will obviously take 1st spot and 3 worse teams who fight for order of 2nd, 3rd and 4th places.

- My clan wins versus both clan A and clan B. Btw clan A stops to exist but admins need 4 teams to go to the playoffs so they give 5 walkovers to it for free versus those clans which got red cards (3 good and 2, which collapsed at the beginning). The truth is both - discarded clans and clan A - werent able to play those matches, nobody has even made a challenge, so clan A should be out of the cup.

- Clan B is higher than us (us: 4-4, B: 5-3 - guess why... they won 1:0 versus red carded good clan, which we lost to when they hadnt had red card yet).

That's just plain stupid, I mailed admin million times, firstly he said he considers cancelling matches against red carded clans, that is the most logical thing i can think of. Practically there are only 4 clans in the group and we won versus both A and B clans and all teams lost to the guys on the 1st spot. Our only "fault" is that our matches against clans which got later red cards were scheduled to the beginning. And then, clans A and B won 1:0 against them BECAUSE those clans got red cards.

Obviously someone knows someone and someone doesnt solve the situation in the logical and fair way for someone and someone other gets discriminated. because i cant believe that admins do it with faith in rightness of their decision.
polish laggers must always have separated cups and leagues fucking warpers
You expected from polish fair play?
i explained you my decision @ email
you're only team that complaining on that system
explained? you just stated that you wont cancel those matches without any reasoning.
ofc we are whining about it since its not fair
cry me a river
i dont really get it? :D
You got screwed
where's the joke ?
It's polish!

Funny enough :o
You're right !

You expected fair play from polishs?
well i see you are right. now i see it was a good decision to stay away from the polish scene for two years with my old clan.
polish cup + fair = epic FAIL
Noh, just polish = epic fail
ur not polish? Then ur not supposed to win the cup
i doubt they know where i was born if this is what you meant :)
oh noez =(
yeah i feared that :D
Get even some breaks :D
im used to write long essays :D
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