Christmas gift.

Okay all put on your serious hat's for a minute and try help me pick out a gift for my mother for christmas i wanna buy something special cause i forgot to buy something when she turned 50 this summer :( Ill would set my limit to 1000euro at max.
So any good suggestions?
image: 3000000965

ah fuck your 20 age old, no kiddie....forget this pic...
give her something like a wellness weekend :>
nice pic :D
A nice thing for in the Kitchen/ bedroom/ livingroom..
not specific thing..
1k wtf oO
LOL, you forgot your mom's birthday? How did you do that?

Buy her a new dishwasher or something.
She was on vaction =)
buy her a new vacation trip!
She just came home from spain 3 days ago lal xD
Bad excuse ;-p
Yeah thats why i wanna make it up for her.
Oooh, aren't you a sweet little boy <3
some jewelry perhaps
that's a lot of money btw, my experience with parents is that they dont really want you to spend that much of money, its more about 'the idea' if you know what i mean

so just draw a nice picture and buy yourself a new pc hehe :p

but you'll know it best yourself ofc, it's just that i would never give my mother something which is worth that much :d, and she wouldnt want me to
it's only like: Parents give me MUCH, I give you shit xD?
look to RazZah's comment
the pic or that under the pic ?
what do you think?
i think u mean the pic cuz ur as pevert as most of this community ^^
ofc not, u are the pervert here kiddo xD
I mean the wellnes thingy :)
yeye :DDD:D:DDD

i would say that too ;););) xD
I don't believe that from a guy that makes a profile like that ;)DD
my profile rulez :)
tbh buy her a quadcore pc and let her play crysis
Yeah nice for her she never touched a computer in her life :)
Buy her a weekend to a city, pay for the hotel and travel. Let her go with her friend/ur dad/whatever. With most parents it's not about the money but about the energy you put into it :)

Diamonds are a girls best friend if you have 1k to spend :D
Quotet's not about the money but about the energy you put into it :)

i here this shit so often this christmas..


parents:t's not about the money but about the energy you put into it :)
mother:BUT; can put energy into buying some jewleries too ;)

meah im shall i buy something with enegry and under 5 euro ?!..draw a pic ? wtf
make 2 drawings!
Buy her a weekend/week at a nice health spar
some random designer lamps. expensive and special.
tbh i think you should buy her a trip to Denmark Skagen.
Its a great place to relax and its quite cheep too.
Well if i give her a trip i wouldnt send her to denmark nothing good with that country.
haha .. stupid Savage said the same :( !!

Well norway isnt better same goes for finland tbh denmark is a nice place :)
€1000 lol :X
let her go to a spa for a weekend with your father or a friend
Plastic chirgury, fo sho
give her big boobs
Pervert ! :o)
QuotePlastic chirgury, fo sho
give her big boobs

and ur not pevert

dude, telling some1 that he should give his mom big boobs as a birthday present doesn't make you a pervert, it's called some wise advice :)
*with a pervert background ^^

nvm :P
i could say, buy your mom some big boobs so you could dream on masturabate on your own mom
That would be pervert x)
(is kinda handy, you don't need to download pr0n, just need to look your mom!)
omfg xD

nothing 4 me not pulza
neither am i ;)
buy her sum weed - she'll get high
a relaxing weekend in some nice spa or something, or maybe some jewelry or a nice expensive dress :p

depends on your mother's taste. last yr i had no money and i just bought her her favourite chocolate and served it in a plate as if it were some delicacy. she was rly happy anyway :D
xD Painfull gift imo
a vacation trip !
or something about your family ( a mix of family tapes or some selfmade stuff )
i like the quadcore & crysis idea
its pritty nice of u that she s worth speding 1000 euros

well i dont know how habits are at your house but you can buy her some nice juwels e.g. some nice necklace, or earrings,...

only be careful that she will like it. so u better study, what kind of juwels she already owns and what style she likes....

i ve got a nice necklace for about 200 € for my girl...
i m sure she will love it

but always keep in mind that the presentation of your present is one of the most important parts.
if u just give it to her and say here... have fun... or sth, she will be happy but not as happy as she will be if you think of some rly nice presentation.

that shows her how much u like and love her and that is worth more that millions of euros for here

Gather a lot of pictures from her childhood and relatives into a beautiful photoalbum (:D)..

We gave a present like that to my grandma and she fell into tears :)
Costs: a lot less than 1000e
Good idea :)
get something for her interests. like buying a book if she reads a lot.
ta me na på en sjysst resa! antingen till Venedig eller Florens i Italien, eller varför inte Marocko, finns mycket sjysst design/arkitektur där, ett annat alternativ är o ta med henne till Andalusien..

Kvinnor brukar uppskatta dessa resmålen, mycket för att vanlig svensson turism oftast inte fått grepp om dessa ställen samt att de ofta har gott lokalt billigt vin dära. :p

(translation! bring her on a trip to a wine producing area :p)
Ja det var bra... Eller en spa helg vid nån fin herrgård i Sverige..
1000€!!! wtf?! buy her a wellness vacation or theatre visit or i dunno.. u can buy a lot for 1000 €...
Let me send you some euro if your poor.
wellness vacation / smth she can rly use
sex (I mean for his mom)

Sopranos season 6 on dvd
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