pc fucked up

Since about 6 hours ago my pc starting doing wierd shit.
First my windows started crashing everytime i opened a document
Then my pc froze everytime i connected to a server in cod4.
Now pc just doesn't boot anymore and when it does ( 1/10 times i try) , it freezes after 10 secs even if i don't do anything windows just freezes.
When i boot up i get alot of beeps most of the time.

P.S: i have been having a 1beep followed by the message : Chip fan fail for about 2 months now but since nothing was wrong with the way it worked i just let it do it's thing.

please help( tell me what is wrong ) cuz i'm already sick of this fucked up 333mhz

i already ordered a new pc but since it has the 8800GT i have to wait a month for it :(
i don't like you
maybe memory RAM
check your pc's temps
check powersupply, check your hardware, format, that info is to incomplete to give a rly substant solution

Check the fans
QuoteChip fan fail

i guess you have made a barbeque inside ur tower

gg wp
old + stolen -.-

old and stolen?
just throw your PC out of the window... no PC no problem :O

PS. hope it helped
It sure helped me! :D
:D got some pics?
Je computer is te overheated, probeer die kappen te verwijderen van de zijkant, en start em dan is op.
as some said already, check your fans, especially at your cpu.
if it doenst work, try to get a backup of your hdd... just to feel safe.
i dont think that the hdd is damaged or something like that, but a backup is quite helpfull in that situation.
serves you right
i hope your family dies of cancer & your girlfriend gets fucked by a negro and then gets aids

then i can say

serves you right

fucking retard
i hope both your family all die of cancer <-- Best English ever!
already corrected it before u replied fucktard
leer logisch nadenken... kan niet goed zijn om je pc 2 maanden te laten draaien met een kapotte fan, wie weet wat is er allemaal gesmolten
the cpu temp was 46° with cod4 so i tought it was ok
it's not only your cpu temp you should check, gfx temp, hd temp
delete ur pr0n of ur comp...
rofl zelfs ik weet wel wat er aan de hand is prolly xD
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