nationscup problem

The last 2 day i have tried to convince clanbase admins Bartichello & Alli about allowing players to play for their contry if she/he can prove that they have citizinship of that country they want to play for.

The rules are currently like this:
>> A nation can play with MAX 2 players that lives in another country than their own ( if they can prove that they have citizinship of that country)

So you have to have atleast 4 guys who lives in that country you want to play for.

But the problem is this:

We in Bosnia & Herzegovina had a war 12 years ago wich seperated the hole country. A lot of people moved outside Bosnia. Bosnia have had huge problems gathering people to NC becouse of this lame rule. I don't think its fair that countries that just had war should be in that kind of difficulties.

I have tried to contact every single bosnian player the last 2 days. But the problem is that there isnt even a single one who lives in bosnia only 2 but they are playing ETQW.

I know that alot of countries are planning to play NC but have you checked your players? Team like russia, croatia & India are in the same problems as far as i know.

So do you think its fair?
lazio is allowed to play nP for him <3
no hes not .
ye she is... she's a god... so ofc
As long as you have an passport from the country it should be allowed.
Thats exactly what i told the admins but they arent happy about it at least Alli isnt. As far as i see Bartichello can see the problem.[CB]Bartichello.QuakeNet.log[CB]Alli.QuakeNet.log
look theres 1 et superstar and here comes another one with the "agree"


gl bosnian guy
I don't think its fair that countries that just had war should be in that kind of difficulties.

I don't think it's smart to play in countries that just had war should be in home playing ET
hello (jelle)(ball)zak
There is clearly the danger countries starting wars to get some advantages for the Clanbase NationcsCup!
yes, it's our duty to report this right away. the VN should gather about it FAST!!
You will get fucked up anyway, so I don't see a problem with it. :P Nah seriously, I don't see any reason to do not allow someone, if he is a official citizen of that country.
yes there ar only few skilled russians who really live in Russia
+ electricity and education
rize's original post was about getting internet to russia for last 1-2 years
yes i just thought not everybody should know this information :D
if he has the proves, why not...
I'd say allow bosnia cos it's a specific situation with them

make a poll ;)))
rules are rules. play 4 denmark :)
I know annajr but this is a specific situation.

Yeah well i am if bosnia aint getting allowed. But you must understand its nicer to play with the country you are born in :)
+ he haz a realistic chance into getting team bosnia :D
why, out of all flags on crossfire, did you pick that one :D
nah, here we go for sweden!
now you're stealing from perfo!
I cannot please everybody!
yap if he can prove that he is from bosnia, then dunno why he is not allowd to play

not fair.
you shouldnt have said you do not have players living in bosnia
The team 2 years ago tried that. But go kicked :)
not possible, since im so known(!!) everybody even thinks im belgian.
Adi! GL @ nc meight!
plekter !1111 :d:d how is it africa <3? :D
Africa owns, except from the internet connection^^

People here are the nicest ever, seriously us scandinavians are really lame in comparation. People living on less than a dollar per day still run smiling around not whining about a shit, while we go whiny if our chair is squeeky xD
"not a single one" hahahahaha chefurji
rules are rules, but still; didn't blaze play for croatia last year?
u need 4 guys from croatia
I don't get it :< Why 4 guys from croatia?
im sure blaze could play for croatia, if they had 4 other guys living in croatia and playing for the team
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