team-algeria? (seriously)

when i saw the journal about team india i started thinking about it seriously.
I was born in Uzbekistan (ZSRR by then - my parents studied and met there), live in Poland, I dont have passport, but I can clearly prove to admins that I am the citizen of Algeria. Tbh I had had no idea that I actually am citizen of Algeria till last holidays when I got a letter from embassy that I should go to their army =)

So, if there is already a team being formed I want to apply. And there is not, then I ask who else got Algerian roots and is willing to make a team with me (I can be captain if nobody will want to be him, or just a player)?

Algeria (btw, whoever saved Algerian flag to "ag" is wrong. it should be "dz")
and noone cares
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddd do people have comps there? Wasnt there a bloodblath like 10 years ago? :D
pm patriot
i thought he is from ukraine :D
no it's keytaro who is from ukraine :D
erm? ._.

There's a patriot which is ukrainian. He was in team lugers.

[french-allowed-coz-lots-of-algerian-speak-it]je l'avais oublié lui mais bon toi aussi t'es ukrainien (ou_pas :o) )
Don't speak about what you don't know! :P

(You should edit your comment and put it in english, otherwise you're gonna get banned)
Haha, good stuff
*sniff* *sniff* good stuff, fishermans friends
If you can find 4 people who actually live in Algeria, good luck.
yeah that will probably be the biggest problem. i believe there are plenty of Algerians living in France, but in Algeria... :/
no inet in algeria ;-((
tg sale pute!
gl dream :D
hi! :D btw who did you keep finger for in final? =)

Patriot(the french one) as cpt.
thanks, I will talk to you guys later tonight, now got to go soon
Lol, you mean talk to him? I'm opped because I'm one of his friends, but I'm algerian :)
i mean, I will talk to you later :) Now i'm kinda working... for my mum^^
hehe, gl&hf :P
gl kamiel spiesjes
QuoteI can clearly prove to admins that I am the citizen of Algeria. Tbh I had had no idea that I actually am citizen of Algeria till last holidays when I got a letter from embassy that I should go to their army =)

Wait, what? You lost me somewhere between Uzbekistan and Algeria.
even i can understand that..
I think you should consider re-taking high school...
typically irish
i want to blow up an American Embassy or maybe some jews. does that make me Algerian ?
going by your logic, could it be that I get a letter from the Mongolian Air Force forcing me to join?? Even though I never been there...
xedos, if someone is forcing you to go to the army, that means you are a citizen of that country. because a Constitution says that citizens of country X have to defend their country, which means public duty to serve your years in army.
that means you didnt go with my logic. and i have been many times in algeria (vacations in my family in algiers)
sorry dude, but I'm still finding hard to believe that u found out your nationality because the Army asks for u xD
you dont get it at all. my father is algerian. i knew that they normally give citizenship to you if your father is algerian. but when i was going to holidays many times in the past, i had to pay the visa, so i thought they didnt do it for me, cause i lived in other country etc. but when i got the letter i found out that i actually have their citizenship. just i didnt need passport, so they didnt tell me to make one.
you don't need to prove anything, just play ;)

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