
Dont think ive seen a journal about this..

well guys, gimme ur list of 5 regrets u have in ur life? !

Here are mine:

1) I regret gettin a tatoo
2) I regret missin my lessons in college!
3) I regret treatin some ppl the way i did =[
4) I regret takin my first sip of beer (hooked)
5) I regret making this journal.

^fuck you
ignore him m8...he's one of lifes regrets....
anyway, regret is a word that should never exist in your vocab!!! U did it, and as we say "u made ure bed" and all that shite...

I made millions of mistakes, but regret none of em, if so it wouldnt have been me!!!

hf and keep fucking up ....xD
think this isnt a good time for such a journal xD
1) regret fancying someone that had a bf
2) regret drinking scotch ( honestly, never again )
3) regret drinking some random cocktail today which made me puke all over the place :s fucking embarassing

edit : regretting acting in a certain way on the inet that isn't me at all in real life, but I still enjoy doing it ( prolly goes for whole of czar/edit ^^)

nothing more :p
pissed of?
c'mon man you don't like scotch, you can't handle cocktails...what can you drink ? beer ?
rise up! be a man! :p
well I actually drank 2.5 liters of that cocktail thingy, tried to be tough, epic fail :(
you did good, no worrys! :D
1) i regret buying this pc
I regret reading this journal <3
i regret speakin to u! :<
drago the man !!!
I should regret downloading ET or getting myself a PC tbh :/
1) I regret going to school
2) I regret being nice to fucktards
3) I regret having to play et
4) I regret to face the fact that being retarded on cf is kinda fun :O
5) I regret replying on this journal.
1) I regret going to school

oh so you would rather be a homeless guy begging for food on the streets?
well, but if you got money, what is school good for then. i mean many years back ago where you had to learn 1+1 and stuff.. that was ok.. but 80% of all that shit im forced to learn now is just a waste of time!!!!!!!! :(((
kinda agree, they should teach us something more relevant to our future lives :s not some random retarded letters and numbers (take maths for example...)
well thats a good example, totally agree
Quoteteach us something more relevant to our future lives

teach you how to find food in trashcans and finding suitable bridges for the night?
true, i cant see how 1+1 and stuff could ever be helpful in your future
I regret clicking Aza's links
1.) I regret not doing sumthin about assholes like Kito who think they are cool
1) I regret playing ET
2) I regret loekino's birth
3) I regret beeing born in France
4) I regret loving marzipan
loekino is naiz :<
My life philosophy results in regret not being possible, I have no regrets.
you do regret cheating? :/
Nah, regret isn't the right word, It was wrong and I shouldn't have, doesn't mean I regret it :(
i regret being so shy when i was younger (and still a bit)
secret internet fatty?
he ;P not im actually maybe one of the skinny ones, though some says that im that sporty dude :D but i was sooooo shy with girls ETc AND STILL A BIT :(((((((((((( ROFLAD NOW YOU KNOW ME TOTALLY :(

edit: actually ive been thinking that thing and now what i got is that i think im afraid to get the "no"-answer and thats why im so "shy" with girliz
if you want sympathy try a homeless shelter
perhaps you can hook up with the 'silly' character a few posts up
its totally different thing =D this journal was about what you regret so i replied about what i regret and so far thats the only thing. also i answered to my friend as i am supposed to.

and no, im not looking for sympathy =D
my bad but all the other people werent using smileys, so may be youre just a bit too e-sensitive
ye i just tried to add some feeling into it! but if you would know you would automatically notice these things how those are:P agon...
You need to fight against your fears
ye i know =DDD though its easier to just be so cool and then the girl asks me so i wont be dissapointed for getting the no answer 8)
You need to be a gentleman ! The guys must ask the girls.. not girls asking the boys ;)
SO THATS THE REASON why ive been so lonely last two months!
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