image: dnf_12_18_thumb

QuoteLast Saturday we had our annual company Christmas party. It was a lot of fun as usual but it featured one special surprise. It turns out that several people had been secretly working late nights and into the wee hours of the morning preparing a special video for those at the party. They created a short teaser for Duke Nukem Forever.

After seeing the teaser we thought it was something we should share with all of you and while it's just a teaser, rest assured more is coming.

Tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, around noon CST, we will release the first teaser trailer from Duke Nukem Forever. To tide you over until then, here is a screen shot taken from the teaser.

Thank you for being fans of the game and for your continued patience.

I'd like to thank the people on the team that worked so hard to create this teaser and the friends of 3DR that helped create it (Jeremy Soule and Julian Soule, Frank Bry, Jason Evigan and of course, Jon St. John).


Suck it down bitch! Duke is BACK.

cu in 2066
2008 is more than likely this time around ;)
In my profile? I don't think so.
i know so!

who is he? : D
Screenshot or it didn't happen, I have Dimebag Darrell in my profile.
argh, he is a homo, jari mäenpää is better!
Haven't heard of him!
dont tell me that shitgraphic is from the game pls
graphics are overrated
thats true...
but still, it would have been nice to see this game look nice
How interactive is or will DNF be?
Very. You can play with everything.

Doesn't tell much ofcourse if you haven't played Duke Nukem 3D.
no. its from photoshop, like everything else on DNF so far.
Emo biatch, shut the fuck up :) I guess you weren't even born at the time of Duke Nukem 3D.
nice replying skills retard
watch his arms please, and thats what they worked for 7 years++ ?
Hey, I can reply directly if you wish! But that still leaves you as fuckbag sad emo :) I guess you haven't even playd Duke Nukem 3D as you make such sad comments.
i never stated that i played duke nukem 3d
i never said anything about me being an emo
i just realized that you are behaving like a kid though you are 21 years old - really sad
its also sad that you have to start insulting random people that didnt do anything to you
and the graphic is still...well...watch his arms please. the face may be ok but the arms really pull it down
You didn't see the -> " :) " <- back there :)
if you think a smilie is a guarantee that every single human on the world knows that sarcasm may be included you think wrong.
Okeys, I apologize for my harsh comments.
whats wrong with them?
the veins are about to pop out
thats how he should look!!! Arms could be bigger though
watching this pic, you see that the face actually looks pretty good, but the arms could be a lot smoother, they have too many corners and the veins somehow look 2d
The shoulders are bit harsh, but I don't lose sleep over it.
if it runs smooth with that, ide be more than happy with it
rly rly rly bad uvw-mapping
bad quality textures
baaaaaad displacement maps/bump maps
weird lightning (waaaaay too sharp and contrasted)

should I continue? ^^
Yes, show us something you've done personally :) Also, it is from the teaser, so I'd imagine the contrast has something to do with that. Also, is UVW mapping something 3D Studio Max uses for UV-mapping? I am a modo user, so I don't know.
Tbh I don't have to show you anything, but trust me, I'm capable of doing better. And about the contrast, the contrast doesn't actually get increased by making a movie out of it, only decreased when having extreme compression (if that's what u meant)...
Not really, I reckon it is intentional, as you have seen in ET movies.
if it was intentional, then why is it only at the lighting, not at the rest of the pic (his hands for example)
Possibly the lightning is setup so in the engine. I can't see that as a problem, since the teaser is done in-house, they could do it so.
ehrm, engrisj failure, didn't understand, reframe
The scene is done in the game engine, as the lightning as well. So they have the possibility to tweak as well. All of which is included in the above comment.
why would they make the lighting actually worse for the trailer? :S
btw, the fact that the lightning is ugly is also joined by the fact that many of the (not) used techniques are also outdated and ugly.
as of the techniques I listed previously.
QuoteTbh I don't have to show you anything, but trust me, I'm capable of doing better.

Talk is cheap.
w/e mr nobody
Oh, excuse me, mr. 'hey, look at me, I've downloaded Photoshop!'
ur a nothing
Interesting. Tell me more.
now you made yourself look like a fool.

edit: oh but thats nothing new!
I happen to agree with him. Don't brag, if you can't prove it, that only makes you look bad.
Trust me, I can easily, but not doing on crossfire coz u retards will bash it anyway with random crap (even though it's better than this and actually using the newest techniques).
You wouldn't say that if you really had something to show us :) Also, people are very capable of producing super highpoly models. But making highpoly model look as great, needs more talent. Even though texture baking helps alot.

Don't be a douchebag. If you say so, prove it.
can't you read?
damn, your last braincell must have fallen down the toilet or smth :/

btw high- or low-poly models have nothing to do with this, since the dimensions of a high-poly model can also be projected on a low-poly model, thus creating the illusion of a high-poly model while keeping the amount of polygons at a low rate.

It's just ugly, that's it...
You can't read, prove that you do better? You'r full of shit.
Why do I even still reply to some1 with the brain-capacity of a tosti-baking-device :/
I don't why I reply to you, since you are obviously full of shit, only thing you can comeup with is insulting. I tend to value professional opinions from game developers more than some nitwit that thinks his cool. While having no proof for your words. Really, stop posting, since you obviously don't have nothing valuable to add - to anything.

Obviously, you didn't even realize what texturebaking is, it shows from your replys.
srsly dude, stop replying, coz u know I will diss u anytimes anyways. if you rly wanna see some of my 3d works, I have some abstract works up online, go to my fucking deviantart (bet uve even been too retarded to open my profile :S).

and about the texture baking, tbh it's a fucking simple and not even correct term, since it implies the following definition: Creating a skin for a 3d object in a 3d environmental program. This is total bullcrap, exept for if you want to have a lowdetail paint-like texture. It's all photoshop-work, and then uvw-mapping @ the 3d program.

You suck tbh, you don't know shit. Now go get aids and die, this pic is just ugly, and trust me, also the known game-developers say so.
- Name the devs that say so
- You no nothing about texturebaking obviously, you proved it yet again
- UV-mapping is done before skinning
- I have checked your deviantart profile, I didn't see nothing that compares, or was good 3D work
- You are 17 year old douche, only an idiot would use such insults

To add up, abstract work is the easiest work to be done in 3D, especially those that you've done. Merely messing around in any given 3D modeler. Total crap. Show me some real skills that you claim to have, show a nice highpoly model that exceeds the given Duke Nukem model. And after that, animate the face better. Then you can be the judge of this.
tbh I've done waaaay better than this, and that "random" abstract crap is actually not as crap as you think. Those first three all the way back in my DA were, but that's coz they were my first three. The later involved loooooooots of work. Btw, I also did lots of character design and facial animation, waaaay better than this. This isn't hard dude, it's a lowpoly game model, and a BAD one.

But I'll srsly stop replying to you now, since you obviously have NO CLUE of what you are talking about or whatsoever xD

Make your last strike, give ur last "diss", I won't reply anymore, you are too low for me ;)
Again, no real arguments, you managed to prove nothing, yet you spill out the crap you do. You didn't argument on anything I said, except that I made remark of your work not being on the level of that Duke Nukem model. And what does your teenage mind do, post more crap and useless shit. Next time you post, think first, post then.

If you have done better work, why isn't it on da? Or why haven't you put it here?

Not posting would be great, but that would mean a easy way out for you. With all that crap you post.

Also, if you can't write coherent english, don't make remarks of people not being able do it.
Just seen this :D I guess this pretty much sums up how much of a retard you really are.

i tell you. thats nothing.

check my profile for further info. or if youre too lazy here you go:
omfg :D thank you very much
Also, wait for tomorrow. That's all I ask. Laying judgements too fast isn't really wise.

http://www.duke4.net/content.php?content.62 - DNF information by the man himself, George Broussard.
mää blasin sitä! :- ]
ohh noes DUKE NUKEM FOREVER i wanna be cool so i join the DUKE NUKEM FOREVER hype WOHOOO WOHHOO DUKE NUKEM FOREVER is soo greaaaat
:'D lol @ the gfx xD
you go and make a game, and we shall laugh at you when you make one
that won't change the fact that I lol @ the gfx :D
that wont change the fact that i dont care :/

Guys just to manage expectations...

This is a teaser. It's not a full blown trailer like the 2001 trailer (but something like that is coming). I tried to be clear about that in the message board post, so just bear in mind that it's a teaser :)



It'll be an hd video, probably about a minute long and 100 megs or so.

- George Broussard
hail to the king baby!
Dude its a teaser. You'll see a video of Duke saying something cool.
Hahaha, april fools? ;D
how much is he lifting ?
zomg. front page news :o
hahahaa... rly =D
like that would ever happen

btw duke nukem forever is a legend already... even tho it doesn't exist..... kind of paradox, isn't it ?
Because of it's predecessors.
Trailer is up.
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