USB keyboard

for cryinoutloud... i need to boot into safemode but my usb keyboard refuse to respond before the "welcome" screen... help pleawkz 8)
Sure u dont have pluged it in USB 1? :p

Or maybe im stupid?.. -.-

EDIT: Or i think it dont work.. Use old keyboard with the plug :)
bios -> enable usb legacy support.
i cant get into bios either, cant press "del" so i must find some ps/2 keyboard? :p
ye with ps/2 you can enable this in bios...
Yeh, had the same with my G11 on the old pc, just plug the ps2 in and enable usb in bios. The new pc however didn't have this problem, I guess the mbo recognized it immediatly.. :O)
ye thats weird imo.. my mouse and keyboard doesent start imidietly when i turn on my comp... i thought that was just normal :p

ive had some mouse probs, i hope its not cuz of a bad mobo :'(
use a ps2 keyboard and enable Dos USB or something like that in bios
start- run: msconfig - boot.ini - V safeboot

fixed your mouseprob by now ?...?
lol... fail
just use a ps2 kb for this once?
if you own a logitech mouse u shud have a usb to ps2 converter use that !
Are you sure that this will work with keyboard ?
no :P

but its a suggestion otherwise he might need to go buy a ps2 keyboard
If you run wires from the positive and negative terminals of a car battery to your nipples, sexy time ensues. I assume the same is true for keyboards and usb ports.
just use ps2 keyboard

i've got g15 and you can't use it in safe mode :O
I think he just needs to know how to get a safeboot. Read my comment up and follow that path, the V is a checked box. Uncheck the box if you want to boot normal again. No need for holding special buttons at boot.
yep sorted, ty all... and i even found my old ps/2 keyboard!
safe mode basically means windows boots the essential running files.
This means no Graphic drivers, sound drivers, network controllers, and most services are not loaded, i would imagine the usb controllers wont boot in safe mode either, unless u speficied it too, hense ur no usb support.
using the USB - ps/2 convertor should work, in theory, but hey its a PC, its made to be awkward.GL
rapist! xD
You <3 it.
oh who did u call an orange cunt?! xD

Edit i also have ur "trainers"..
A rangers fan.

Nice trainers!
usa an old ps2 keyboard
freaking old motherboard u most have =D (or just an old bios version)
image: 01010511
retard :D
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