Christmas Tree

tommorow going to buy a christmas tree...we are buying one each year...its a tradition :>
here...the cheapest is like 10 euro...but i need a nice i think im going to spend 50 euro on the tree(i will deal with the guy selling it)

Anybody elese buying/bought a christmas tree this year?How much will/have you spend/spent?

random Christmas Tree pic:
image: Tree0006
buy a plastic one
Please, then better none.
I way prefer a plastic one than a real one...
i took my old 1 ! it cost 200 € + i can hang it on the ceiling :o
ye its uber leet but last year the tree failed the hooks that keep it up there went to oblivion
did it shut the gates?
would be a shame if you had no tree on christmas
62.- = ca. 35€
sichär! huärä tüür so es schiis teil :)
so vom buur kauft xD
mir hän keine me sit 2 joor =P
the tree here is standing for like a week now....
aren't you from romania? in case you live there, then I'm shocked to read that there exists christmas trees in romania that come close to 50 €
my guess is that he lives in belgium
no...Romania...nothing to be ashamed to say where im from :>
and yes they exist...the prices start from 10 euro...and the most expensive you gonna find is like 100 euro can find a real nice one at 50 that in the pic :>
and also depends on how much money every citzen have...some wont give more then 10 euro on a tree...but there are also people giving 200 000 euro on a auction(for charity) :>
imo tree have to be real, not plastic never! you never get that scent from plastic. and that scent make my christmas (ofc with glögi)
I wrapped some tinsol (not sure if that how its spelled?) round my 6 ft Mother plant. :D
Plastic for 3 years now.
me getz my tree from my forest
bloody finns, you have like 1 forest per inhabitant
Real Thing > *

i get my tree from "our" forest ;D
it has to be from forest !
my profile has one
christmas trees are annoying
poor trees:( they growing so long for spend only some days in our hauses. Thats selfish :/ Buy the real one in flowerpot, and after xmass let her live in ur garden:)
ye but if you don't owe one you're a loser and nobody wants to be a loser ya kno
i am a looser coz i dont have real tree? :/ buba
i dont have a garden :<
and...they are already not killing them :<
im only making them beautiful :XDDD
got such a tree. we are friends!
mines a fake tree ! xP
too expensive
we have an artificial tree... it's nice...
In Finland we have this tradition that near every christmas we get drunk and sneak in to goverments forest and chop the best tree we can find.
plastic for 7 years now :XD
a must have ofc
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