Bayern vs Saloniki

4:0 atm XDDDD

Luca toni = 4 goals :DD

The vibes are even better in Cottbus, if the enemy leads with 7 goals.
bayern sux.
Getafe - Anderlecht :DDDDDDD
Bayern are in the UEFA cup because they're shit :(
Chelsea got billions, and even while having 10 times as much money as other clubs do have, they don't belong to the real elite. That's what I call - relative seen - shit.

I am quite a Bayern hater but DAMN ur right
heh ok, so klose, toni, ribery all joined bayern this summer who are not in the champions league for FREE and for the LOVE of Munich?

I think not :) Money talks, this summer Bayern spent a shitload on signings and salaries.

You can abuse chelsea for spending alot quickly, but we are just playing catch up with the likes of Manchester United and Bayern :)
Quote by ReadYou can abuse chelsea for spending alot quickly, but we are just playing catch up with the likes of Manchester United and Bayern :)

Quote by UnderstandYou can abuse chelsea for spending alot quickly, but we are just playing catch up with the teams that got history :)
Everyone person that uses that argument is ignorant :)
I know, it just felt fitting to mention it :D
Should I mention that Bayern are in the same competition and drew with Bolton? :P
But you know that offending Bayern is not really offending me? :p Bayern is just another example that money doesn't equal quality. Ranking 1st with only a few points from other German mediocre teams just doesn't justify a multimillion signing or other way round :p (Foster's having effect :D)
why didnt u shoutcast idle vs mpg tonight?
You can't really compare 70 millions which bayern spent in ONE season with 70 millions what chelsea spends for one player named shevchenko, who scored, how many times? 2 in 20 games? And they spend that amount of money, or more, nearly every season.This is just a total waste of money, and probably the worst transfer politics in history of football. Chelsea buys players who 1. play shit (look at Sheva / Belletti / Ferreira / Ballack etc. etc.) at chelsea, 2. don't even play much but were stars in their old team (look at Wright-Phillips / Bridge / again Ballack etc.) or 3. are totally joke-transfers (look at Pizarro who's NEVER good enough to play in a great team, he was nearly always sub in Bayern / they wanted to buy Pantelic from Hertha Berlin, is this a joke? He might score in the german league 10 times, yea, but not in the Premier League).

And if you think they can catch up with Manu, then I really start asking myself what you got on your eyes. Manu is playing nicer, more efficient, and mainly better football. In the CL + League. Chelsea is also behind Arsenal comparing skills, maybe even behind Liverpool. This is just a disgrace. With that money which Chelsea got, they should be the best team on the world, with ease. Still there are a handful teams that could beat Chelsea all the time. Just some to write down: Milan, Arsenal, Manu, Real, Barca?, Valencia?, Inter?, Bayern?, Lyon?.

If you honestly wanna tell me they are better than Manu, then you are ignorant. Manu got, in my eyes, the best chances to win the CL this year.

My opinion atleast :P n8
I love the way that any football debate with a kid becomes an attack on the other persons team. I was knocking bayern because this is a bayern journal why that means you are talking about Chelsea I've no idea, guess its a maturity thing ;)

Anyway to respond to your point;

Chelsea have made mistakes, Shevva and Ballack were those, undoubtedly and we havent under Jose Mourinho played attractive football, espcially in comparrison to arsenal and man utd (better than liverpools but thats not difficult). We are improving a bit under AG & HTC but we wont really see the results of this management until next season.

You quote Pizzaro, he was a free transfer because this summer we had no money, we signed alex, ben haim and sidwell because we had no money to spend this summer and when we get a couple injuries they are 'ok' to play as backups. Pizzaro has only scored once and really dosent look good, but free is free. It looks like they're going to give Grant money in January though, so pizaro will be screwed!

For Shevva, we spend £30m on him and tbh on his record at AC Milan that was the right price, just like Torres cost that much from Madrid this summer. We were just unlucky that hes not up to the game in the premiership.

Of course Man Utd are in much better condition to win both the premiership and CL than chelsea this season, they're playing great football and have a better squad right now.

Why do they have a better squad? $$$ - This is now a money game, if you've got it, you'll get to the top, Chelsea spent money and they got to the top. Man United are now spending more and they're at the top. Look at Lazio under Sven Goran Erikson, one year he spent a shitload and they won the scudetto, look at inter now doing the same. Madrid and Barca always spend money. There are small exceptions, Arsenal important 1000 africans and train them to become good, but still thats not free!

Thats not me whining at anyone spending more, its just the reality of the game we follow.

Thats the game folks, 15 years ago it was different but since 1990 its a money game, there are no poor winners.

Back on the subject - Bayern 2-2 Bolton - you're in a competition for shit teams!
Quote...Ballack were those

Give him time. He surely didn't play amazing, but solid. It takes time to get used to the Premier League. Now he had passed a long injury time lets talk about this in 1 year again.

QuoteBack on the subject - Bayern 2-2 Bolton - you're in a competition for shit teams!

Have u seen that match? That was pure luck for Bolton. And nice argument.
Rosenberg then got beaten 4-0 by us, after they had beaten Valencia twice :P

I saw the Match, Bolton took the lead, Ribery played brilliantly then he came off and Munich were crap after that point.
Money doesn't necessarily buy success.

And you cheeky git, UEFA Cup isn't only for shit teams as there are some very good teams in the competition.

It is a competition for other teams outside the top 4 to gain experience and if a team manages to break the dominating top four (like Everton did) then they won't embarrass themselves in Europe as they have gained valuable experience.
like bolton! A very good team indeed
Like Villareal, even Bayern Munich you can't call them a poor team. Oh and Everton aren't bad (maybe a little bias that one)
Ok but look at everton, they have middle range money and so they're a middle range team.

Moyes has bought very well, got some bargains on the likes of Cahil and Arteta who are class acts. But spent big (for everton) on Yakubu (worth it) and Johnson and Beatie (not worth it) -

I think Moyes has done a good job, I cant see him getting a top 4 club job, but I think hes good enough for it
It must be the age =))))) You attacked my club, I attacked yours, but coming up with my age is old and a bitlame , furthermore I don`t even see waht my age should have to do with this? Because I had a harsh way to write? Come on tossot...chill out
Because most older people defend their club rather than attacking your club in a football debate
TosspoT on 19/12/07, 23:33:59 PM | Reply

Bayern are in the UEFA cup because they're shit :(

Ain't this aswell attacking?
ofc - this is a journal about Bayern, hense opinions about Bayern. Why Chelsea are being discussed is because you cant take any criticism on your own team because you've not achieved that level of maturity yet.
Wow, that's amazing. Good criticism, saying a team is shit =)) First think about what you're saying. And I tell you again, it has nothing to do with the age, I don't know who told you so though.

And if you come up with "I criticized you about the money-thing" then you're a fool. Oh no, you are just gonna end the whole discussion with "LoL you are a kid!". :)
You dont understand. This a journal about Bayern, why are you talking about Chelsea?

When you find the answer to that quesiton, you'll understand everything i've said.
I already found it. But why are you turning the whole thing now? You started with "bayern is shit" which is obviously no criticism. AFTER that I started about chelsea. But atm we were talking about criticism which you brought up.
Bayern are shit
Bayern drew with Bolton
Chelsea drew with Rosenborg.
You see instead of talking about your own team, you come back with a Chelsea comment. In a few years you'll grow out of that habbit
You got me there.

Anyway, off topic: Chelsea won't achieve anything in CL, so I shouldn't really feel bothered.
Again with chelsea, do you see Chelsea in the title of this journal?

This is really hilarious that you refuse to talk about your own team and wanna talk about Chelsea
But still, it's just a fact that Bayern drew, there's nothing to build a discussion on, so I got your point, but it's quite retarded.
I could say: No they aren't, they are first in the German League, and they won their Uefa-Cup group.
And where did they finish last season? Or does your memory only go back 1 week
Does your memory only go back 1 year?

First in German League:
1932, 1969, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006

DFB-Trophy Winner:
1957, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006

ChampionsLeague Winner:
1974, 1975, 1976, 2001
2001 - Winning champions league only thing worth mentioning, and that was now 7 seasons ago so once again, Bayern are shit.

There are 4 trophies worth winning, English Premiership, Spanish Title, Italian Scudetto and Champions League - please keep this in mind when thinking your team are good
Stuff from the past doesn't matter anyway. The only thing that mattered was the bad playing in the German League last year, but, so what? This can happen to every good team, and atm they are doing good again. I don't really know what effect you want to get with this kind of argumentation. Honestly telling me that Bayern are shit? Your knowledge is superb.
No, I'm pretty much done - FINALLY we are actually talking about Bayern and not Chelsea so you've righted your wrong...and filled my inbox too.

Go Bremen! :P
I'm still confused. Even with the fact that we were talking about Bayern, its quite common to take another topic into the whole discussion to talk about, atleast where I come from :l Especially when it was related to it.
the players are ok, their tax is just shitty. look at how efficient sevchenko was in milan for example
difference is that bayern earned that money on their own
anyways, i dont like both clubs
bayern is shit ? lol come on this chelsae team is totally shit, lampard most overrated fucker ive ever seen, buying " good " players without thinking before and then they fuck up in champions league and you say bayern is shit ? come on :)
Football expert with pretty nice arguments!
halt mal deine fresse du hässlicher hurensohn , sowas kann ja nur vom osten stammen
na was kommt jetzt wohl: -.-

ich versuch erst gar nicht mit dir zu diskutieren. fähig wärst du zu sowas offensichtlich ja nicht.

dein bildungsgrad = ?
gymansium k12 in bayern, ist anscheinend schwerer zu erreichen als bei euch im osten das abi zu machen
wie du dann vielleicht vernommen hast, ist das ABI in Sachsen eines der schwersten, aber das hab ich jetzt schon 6 Jahre hinter mir. Viel Spaß damit
Yes Lampard is shit, hes played 300 games for us and tonight he scored his 99th goal. 1 goal every 3 games for a midfielder, really really shit. Hes scored 20 goals a season for the past 3 seasons, and already has 9 this season.
He is a bavarian, anything else than ignoring doesn't help.
xD or -.-ing might help one day
saloniki ...ole!!!!!!
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