fucking throat.

no, this is not about throat fucking

my throat is like uber painful and swollen and shit, there's immense pain every time i try to swallow in my left ear + throat, can't eat, can't drink, fucking hurts alot
just as i got holidays from school i get this. qq
türa sa pede ignoreerid mind, nüüd vitt kui ma tartust pärnus olen siis ma näen sind kuskil jälle.
tard oled, varsti tulen tartu tagasi, siis löön maha.
foad i expected some porn journal :l
dunno, don't care
drink like 8 litres of hot blackberry juice
edit: oh you cant, too bad :(
I have the same. Had it for 3 days or smth.
Sound like an infection around the lymphoid tissue of the tonsil to me aka tonsillitus.


Tonsillitis is characterized by red, swollen tonsils. White patches may or may not appear on the tonsils. Other signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat, painful/difficult swallowing, headache, fever and chills, enlarged and tender lymph nodes, pain in the tonsil area, and loss of voice.

Sounds familiar imo
i got fever also, yeh. just got this shit at the morning , i was fine yesterday, so dunno, maybe the other symptoms are incoming E_E
Well, those are common symptoms, doesnt mean you will get them all ;) Sometimes a good 3 days rest will do the trick but if you're really unlucky and you got a real bad infection they could need to surgical remove your tonsils ( but thats very rare )


Treatments of tonsillitis consist of pain management medications[8] and lozenges.[9] If the tonsillitis is caused by bacteria,[10] then antibiotics are prescribed.[11] Penicillin is the most commonly used antibiotic.[12]

In many cases of tonsillitis, the pain caused by the inflamed tonsils warrants the prescription of topical anesthetics for temporary relief. Viscous lidocaine solutions are often prescribed for this purpose.

Ibuprofen or other analgesic can help to decrease the edema and inflammation which will ease the pain and allow the patient to swallow liquids sooner.[13]

When tonsillitis is caused by a virus, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, a complete recovery is made within one week, however some rare infections may last for up to two weeks.

Chronic cases may indicate tonsillectomy (surgical removal of tonsils) as a choice for treatment.[14]

Also using warm water and salt solution, and gargling may help kill the infection, though it's not a strong treatment.[15]
just take strepsils and u'll be allright ;)
image: 36198strepsils_original_1_130
Just stop sucking cocks when it's cold outside.
can't wait until summer
get yourself a sage tea..
fred - says:
ema käis kodus tõi mingeid rohte mulle just.
fred - says:
pean mingi junni endale kurku lükkama

translation - Estonian to english.

fred - says:
mom just came home and brought me some medicine.
fred - says:
i have to shove a turd down my throat.

what a nice 15yr old guy.
had that, doctor gave me some uberpills, took one before i went to bed, next morning = nothing :)
image: 4786L

The fckin best u can do against the pain.
Stop giving blowjobs fredd :D
I feel u bro i got the same disease... :<
3-5 g vitamin C and ull be fine in 2 days
well at least you swallow
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