
hey! found portals in 2d its rly fun =)


lvl 15 :>

ur lvl?
kick ass!! :)
Funny game :D
Old but good, and hard :< Lvl5 :D
8 lvl now :d
15 is hard :(
shoot a portal just before the forcefield, and one just above the entrace, jump into the first portal so it launches you over the forcefield, onto the white platform in front of the hazardous platform.

Now remove both portals by pressing R, shoot one at the wall ABOVE the entrance(The ceiling, you should be able to hit this from the platform).

If that worked, fire one at your feet, DO NOT REMOVE THE PORTALS.

Instead once again shoot a portal in front of the forcefield(make sure the one on the platform before the hazardous platform stays!)

Jump into the portal just in front of the forcefield, stay inside the infinite loop untill you think it is safe, you should be launched up high enough.

Time your launch up to the hazardous part correctly, then run to the righ and jump over the final gap.

i already did it, i got bored at 19 :/
this is fucking ancient been at level 40 or so
level 24 is buggd
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