mAus ?

People just stop being peons and saying ZOMG MAUS ZOMG , he's just a nice aimer don't compare him with oldschools retards. -> WTF?! GREAT FANBOISM

Its funny to see after 4 years how now people call an newschool BEST PLAYER OF ET. O PLZ ITS JUST SO PEATHETIC.

p.s jetro the mr.english-2007
are u mystic ?
mAus who? i heard perfo was the new kid on the block!
not really : )
zomg going to sleep bibuya \o/
and fast replyerrrrr !!!
Is it actually possible for a 1on1 from maus :o
why you aren't saying this with your real nick? :>
your english is PETHETIC pathetic
maus doesnt qualify as newschooler
mystic in disguise getting angry :DDD
it seems your caring even more about mAus then the others because you make a journal ( expect for Splodge ) which make you a fanboi
Ive played with against and seen all the top players of et over the years and I cant see why you find maus worse than any of them.
maus is a fantastic player with awesome aim. one of several throughout the years. such players always get fanboys -- it's just given.
well in my oppinion mAus is the best et player i ve ever seen, its true i only know the scene for like 1,5-2 years... so donno what u r talking about.
You have to much time in your hands.
maus its nice, but senji + urtier > all :( (sorry davidher. nothing personal u know that! ) <3
Night is fucking overrated
.. you are overretarded imo...
yeh hes overrated because he's the most successful et player of all time........ moron
E-FAMOUS , something very important
ahahah x') gn8*
mAus has been playing ET for 4 years now , he has been dominant in aim for 1.5 year , don't call him newschool idiot
2much2read @ that journal
1. He's not newschool
2. His aim IS comparable to the "oldschool" pro's
3. What's wrong with fanboys? There's tons of them around anyway...
4. "Member For: 0 days" --> Enough said if you don't even dare say this with your other account.
He is a pretty good player/statswhore but not the best.
just watch a demo of the EC final dignitas vs iN few years ago and compare the aim of the then great aimers to the last EC final, i garantuee you that you will find not one player of the 'oldschool' EC game with a better aim than one of the players who played the EC final a few days ago....

and I do believe mAus is the best aimer ET has seen so far
whats your problem about maus ?
u sound like emobritneydude
says pubmaster , prolly some noob pro-wannabe on a fake acc
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