biggest etqw fuckup so far

Offical in the 4000 euro ClanBase OpenCup

Pelit is about to get two needed defuses to stay in the game and time is ticking out, this is do or die for pelit. If they get the defuses they will most likely win the map:

Then Pelit star player karkkis steps up and helps clean out the objective:


First karkkis takes out two team mates defusing two dynamites, but the one about to blow is allmost done defused (99%) so he only needs to touch it. So he can still save the day after his fuckup. But he starts defusing the wrong one. Then he realises and starts going around the objective instead of just tapping the other dyno in the upper part of his screen.

So to recap.
Teamkilled defuser x 2
Defused wrong x1
Failed to spot the other dyno x1

epic <3 great work m8 :)

edit: link fixed, av should ofc be avi ;)
link doesn't work and talk English man!!
put an I after the link...
I'm lazy i need working links :) thx shizo

so this guy won the game or lost the game?? i don't really know.(don't play et qw)
Another proof that ET:QW is a failure
lmao, trigger happy :D
so great!
so why is he killing teammates?
haha lsrs..
HAHAHAHA thats 1 big oops, what was he on :D?
hilarious :D
taken is so ybermean
high+... :P
awesome player in awesome game
CPU: AMD XP1700+
HD: 240 GB
Monitor: LG F700P & Samsung 226 BW
Keyboard: BTC
Mouse: Logitech G1
Mousepad: DKT
Sound: On-board
Graphics: Sapphire Radeon 9800Pro 128 MB
Memory: 768 MB
O/S: Windows XP SP2 nLite'ed
Headset: Sony MDR-XD200
Connection: Poland

explain everything :)
Explains what? That qw runs like shit on most of low level pc's? Even CoD4 plays good with much better graphic.

I have played RTCW on P3 500, TNT2, and 128Mb of RAM, did that made game crappy?

And yes, I have played that piece of shit (qw) on high end pc's.
polish connection ftw !
nonon, don't forget, you are awesome in an awesome dead game
That coming from BF player, I feel very insulted.
lets all just share the awesomeness <3
A former BF player, are you a former ET player? No, so go back playing ET with your friends
Awh my god, poor guy ^^
Not bad. :P

I remember one rtcw game against T34, where I, in a similar situation, managed to disarm our own dynamite while trying to arm the other one above it... 28 secs left when I disarmed the dyna and we lost 3-5.

Still remember it like yesterday. Hello Officer!
Now thats a fuckup :D
older than teh internetz :DDDDddddd
Im famous!
how much were u payed? :o
i wish someone had recorded our ventrilo while that happened...
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