fastest map ever

whats your fastest time on a map etc?

i just did a braundorf in 1:19 and i wondered ...screenshots or it never happend

image: fastbraundorffm4
name stealer ... ><
55 secs in Adlernest without bugs and stuff !

image: 55secaa1
I have a feeling u guys boosted a player over.. Thats why hes saying not allowed :P
We didnt do anything ilegal, we planted at first, all axis players dead, sqd went to objective, me and florzinha killed again those 3, and he passed away with the objective
i think i set a time of 57 once,
they were so naab we just took them down on our way to the dox and ran straight through :D
2.47(or 2.57) cant remember anymore on grush with sanctuary (6o6) vs some medskilled team :)
was the tank replaced with an airplane that game?
haha :D try it. its possible :) and wasnt easy 3o3 shit
maybe if they repaired the tank at 1st rush and always succesful Spawnkills at bank stage
image: fastcapture

We would have gotten it under 4 but we were too much having fun spawnkilling :P
Don't believe your first picture.. Unless you show the other team. I wanna see the naabs :D
0:45 on adler fastest possible imo...
no screenie since its like 6 months ago, just went spawnway
agree, we beat random team with singularity in past on adlernest in 0:52.
Revive-boosting onto the roof would be a few seconds faster.
1.04 on frostbite @ opencup offical
shewie got less vs demiurge :D
57 sec on frostbite in OC final!

Lost the screenshot >:-/
We set a 1:08 on TC_Base once, in an official :D
et_beach like 40-50 secs. That first rocket threw me over the wall, but like from the mountain or smthg , i mean , i just didnt fell to death.
hehe good old days.. not the fastest time, but we still beat them in 5 secs because of that 6man panzerkill :d
image: np4allies3
image: np4allies2
1.19 @ b4 ! lieeees
made adler in 40 secs or smth, but we used the stone @ allied spawn to fly up to the roof.
1.06 in tc_base in 6on6, something like that in battery too.
20 min @ oasis
me > you
i made it in 19 mins
masculine mans always times :)
56 sec on frostbite vs murso
/callvote timelimit 0.533
1.02 on et_ice in a cup match!
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