
when im opening afx 7.0 the program gives this error:

After Effects error: can't get Unicode file

( 83 :: 4 )

and when i want to import one of my highskilled avis it gives this error:

After Effects error: failed to parse transmap file

( 83 :: 4 )

how can i solve this problem?

eat shit and die, danke sehr!
prolly the avis are too highskilled for it
Get a unicode file and a transmap file parser

eat shit and die
btw: how i can evade these register/activate shit?
I had the same exact problem, so I called Adobe and they told me that it's a conflict of fonts from the After Effects program and any customized fonts that didn't come with Windows. I'm using Windows XP, so I went into the fonts folder and got rid of every font that wasn't a Windows XP default font, then I tried After Effects again and never got that error ever again.
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