
gonna be smth like this:

image: drunk

but i expect:

drunk biatchez @ party

image: 070418-drunk

watcha gonna do
tonight donno... atm sitting at my PC and waiting for my christmas gift... it will be an expensive bed (around 1000 usd) ... oh i will be surprised soon
wow, a bed.
\o/ new bed \o/
im gonna cut myself
we have our footballchristmas party @ our restaurant (no kebabhouse)

gonna be a nice day :P


-greetz razzah
im gonna cut myself

gonna get my results @ 17:20 oclock then im gonna listen to the whine of my parents till 18:00 then its dinner then im prolly gonna sit infront of my pc
weed or spidojna :XD
probably it will be something like this:
image: JennaBush

but my friday:
image: 800px-Ply_Bong_Hit
I will be sorting out a mistake that my bank has made, which has postponed a few Christmas presents and charged me £15 for 'not paying' for an item ¬_¬
I have life.
Right now i just have a flu right now, so i don't want to go out.
most likely to wank @ pc
shisha, alcohol and party
work all day :o
I stayed off school because quite frankly i could not be arsed to go in..erm, and the rest of the day, probably going to a friends to play a few 360 games and on his new laptop ofc! :D
Didnt received any money from my work and ib-groep yet so nothing :((((((((((((
tonight back workout thx for ask
Start working out your forearms, they look so small

thanks for asking
You're wrong. You can't see properly on that picture, anyway I never exercise those muscles in bulkup period.
sorreh dont crush me
pls drink your first beer pls before you tell me something about getting drunk
it's not my fault if you have no social life at all
"ROFL" ?
that word says everything...

image: nerd
shopping, wrapping my christmas presents and depending when my flight takes off tomorrow, I even might get wasted today with my friends @ helsinki and have my mom pick me up while im uberly either still drunk or hangoverish and then I sit in the plane either embarassin my mom somehow or ready to throw up, either way, it would prolly end up to the first option.
probably gonna stay at home today, still hungover / tired (slept 3 hours) from yesterday
Just go to bed early cuz my flight to venice (the real italian one) will go tomorrow @ 8 o'clock.
smoke my 50cm: image: GW%2015%20icVK%20E with some friends and then got to some parties or smthin^^
Gonna buy double water base too. I hate being in parties when im on high. I make myself ridiculous :D
working from 10 till 7! np
i've holidays omg omg <3
nothing, playing et all weekend!
Buy a pizza, smoke some weed from: 3 bongs, or joint, or pipe, or blunt. dunno yet ! :)

image: joint.preview


image: 300px-Newborn_sleep

couse I must work tomorrow =(
that guy on upper pic DRINKING BEER CALLED "KOFF" FOR SURE
first skateboarding...then off to a gig and enjoy my privilages of being on the guestlist (free entry and free booze)
Okay. this is it: Finlandnubiks is coming here in 10 minutes and we have lot's of HQ weed =D best medicine to my flu is bong with mynthons and hot water.
image: Mynthon_
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