our record on bremen

we played yesterday prac. we finded match by med skill.

image: nopeahkobremen_b2

lovii the dyyktard made this time possible
k! care?
i finded u not rly serious!
wow dont tell me more
dizelek is avi for ggt !
yeye clan vs mixed!!11
Quotewe finded match by med skill.

We has founding...
PEEP PEEP sarcasmos detectorsmos PEEP PEEP
Phew, thanks for the info. Else I would be the idiot. :D
i can remember us having a time 1:4x
take a covert, steal the card, repair the truck blow the gate, np.
venerea + bremen = izi baSh =)
my care at home
you can have my care at your place too
zomg theres fantazja
omfg kolibri XD
nice time m8
keep it up
next time try haxskill
nice time m8 lol
Haha 5on6
image: img_fbe4970946f6716a9201d0fb3f898101
I finded u should work on ur english skillz.
same goes to you.
dizelek and his friends are med.

heh sure
if there were dizelek they ain't med fosho
against mix xD
Mutta teillä olikin astetta kovempia sällejä pelaamassa!
sinä sen sanoit!
retarded form for egoboost ... who the fuck cares about ur "gr8" time vs some low-skilled mix searching for med... damn
dno.. ask ur danish friends 2 get answer
ok unknow lowskilld :> v43 bb
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