duke quotes

What's your favorite duke nukem quote?
mine is:
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble-gum... and I'm all out of gum."
still makes me laugh :)
Your face, your ass... What's the difference
might be... but this topic is about duke :P
thats not duke :D but funny yes.
:D:D was waiting for this
Quotekiss on 21/10/07, 15:14:26 GMT

mmf is the cleanest clan in this EC without any doubt tbh

Quote haste on 21/10/07, 00:46:17 GMT

have watched all the avis in this thread and honestly can't see what the fuss is about.. either everyone's expectations for an aimbot has lowered lately due to the increase of them, or that is the worst aimbot i've seen.

that said i haven't seen him play before and the class switching is a little weird, but other than that, just some decent shooting and that's it :l

Quote Klapp on 21/10/07, 11:09:55 GMT

hax? but you can aim like this no p. dont know how his skill was before. and z adjusting shit whine. ppl do this all z time light a cigarete take a drink.

Quote fuxor on 21/10/07, 11:28:47 GMT

after watching it few times i have noticed that u r stupid. In most of actions he could hear the enmy or shoot their back so headshots are easy in that way. Also at the beggining with gr actions when he shoot the guy near boxes through wall its easy because ifhe known he was staying there on previous actiosn he can preshoot him this action too. i would do that myself too. and u didnt notice that during whole game he was using program called ventrillo which allows his mates to tell him where is the enemy and give infos. (for example with objective on frost, he could hear objective taken and info he is going service) so its easy that he went there are shoot the obj man) just dont think negative and positive. watch once again and u will see its lott+comms+expirience, easy.

Quote sexyhot on 21/10/07, 15:03:47 GMT

the only thing i see here is cortana as a bad loosers..

-u lost on gr coz tornis got 3 of u full with a mine.
-u lost frost coz u saw an airstrike from kenta in your eyes, and he had 4 man kill.

so dont try to get a win like this, coz he didnt play great in the match like maus that does the whole job. u can check kills and damage from both maps. bah... stupid avis.

Quote ToX on 21/10/07, 15:40:51 GMT

who are u guys kidding... he is just a really lucky player. i get lucky 20 times in 1 match all the time, everyone gets lucky that amount in 1 match, its natural u know. Everyone also stands still for 5 secs after changing class... i mean, i get an itch reaching for my bind so obviously i itch it then........

(u better see what i just did here else u are retarded)
Lots of Dukes quotes are from Evil Dead-movies, but I like "Come get some" the most. :)
ill rip your head off and shit down your neck
What are you waiting for? Christmas?
what are u talking?
Check your shields!
Next time you do that i'm gonna cut off your wee wee, and put it on some bread and feed it to kitty
ur blind granny with a cock on her head which is pissing in her mouth
I'll use this voodoo cannonball to send my significant other to the significant OTHERWORLD! Bwa, ha, ha. That'll show her how much I truly care
monkey island ownz!
Well done, Turner!
[23:45:15] [+kojak`duKe_] wanna see a pic of me, i bet you wont say that again
(15:31:38) (mod|seNti`GmbH) nice on ipkiss xD
(15:31:45) (mod|seNti`GmbH) funny that et is a completly cheat game...
(15:31:50) (mod|seNti`GmbH) and on 6o6 you cant do anything
(15:32:01) (mod|seNti`GmbH) loled see you on ec once again :)
i've got balls of steel
eat shit and die
ive got balls of steel


Ive got balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls of steel!
"Gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck." or smth :p
blow it out ur ass!
Eat shit and die
I've got balls of steel. From ventrilo harrassment
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