Hitchhikers Guide

I just watched hitchkikers guide to the galaxy and it nothing like the books, they fucked it up bad ! :<

image: failcb3
just don't watch it =)
Nope, movie was good.

Books were better.
I havent read the book but the movie was good. :-)
Turned it off reall fast, damn it was bad. Books are quite good.
now that's old
Yeah, it is one of those books which you just can´t make a movie. One of the greatest book series, I just loved that "trilogy".

Have you seen the first movie btw?
is there more than one movie?
Yes. I was made around ~1985, guite ugly and crappy.
need a shoulder to cry on?
havent read the book, but movies is piece of shit
i don't know the books, so i can't judge if the movie is similair

but the movie is funny as hell though :D
I saw the last 20 minutes and didnt have a clue what was happening :<
yeah movie was terrible
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