8Bits Clan!

Hello my Name is 8Bits-Skydriver and i the Admin from Clan 8Bits.
Many people say " 8Bits is a cheater clan". Yesterday i have become information about our Polish Team.They had been convictated cheating during a crossfire cup match. They played vs ETC at 16/11/2007.

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and a small group of people undermining the terms of our gameplay.
We kicked that team yesterday. Now we hope we underlined that we are not a cheater clan or something else.
ye 8bits are very frindly and fair ppl, fuck that polish squad

gl hf
i dont dare to care
man i care if you dont care! Gives a smart picture of you spamming those über mature "like i care"-comments
i have two accounts banned from this page, my image cant get any better than that
It would be better if you became a cake instead of information!
idd, wed all have something of it
ahm that's sad
nope they maybe arent...
we played 2:2 vs the hacking squad!
koza rly played obvious ...
but who cares
now i understand why you only let german talking ppl in ure clan :DDDDD
they are nice guys tbh, just the polish squad is shit
now things changed :)
add that you have new et polish team now. without hax :)
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