Hangover Help!

Right guys, just got home from a night out!!

Went to a party right, had like 2 bottles of cactus jacks with a couple of mi mates then we hit the vodka (grim stuff) so i ws pretty railed by 12:00! :<

so anyway to keep the story short, went into town with a mate and 2 girls (REAL ONES! LOLZ) and had alot of drink, didnt get to mi mates house till 7, so ws a good night.

The thing is, i didnt have anything to eat for like 12 hours so i was drinkin on an empty stomach.. and i feel so fucking ill right now its harsh, really. so i need YOUR help!

What helps a hangover?.. ive tried water but its not working, it comes up after 10 mins ;< i cnt sleep.. eat.. wank...

HELP!! :<<

(i know u crossfire guys are hardcore ravers and cn help me out, typls! x)
Check ur PMs!!!1!
fruits help, especially citrus-like.
what works when i have massive hangover is drinking coke (wont come up normally) and eating saltsticks

dont take aspirine it will come up
i heard actually drinkin beer helps, tht true? i dnt have coke, only beer ;<<
thats the best choice, atleast i have used it manymany times.
u drunken fin :P
only if u take the gas out of it
even with gas in it I dont have a problem

once i tried milk and I DO REALLY NOT PROPOSE IT TO YOU, the result is fucking disgusting and stinks to high heaven
mm, normaly the bubbles make u have to throw up again lol :P when ur stumac is bad it doens't help it if u put gasy things in it, it's harder to diggest...and ofc lol, milk and everything that has alot of proteïnes in it make ur farts stink cuz it contains alot of sulphur and that makes it smell REALLY bad, certainly when u haven't eaten anything else xD
no, not the farts were stinking, the puke. Especially its very cool if you vomit through your nose, in this case you have the whole day the sense of vomit in it.....
that's certainly the best part of puking, the nice smell and little chumps who remain in your nose
whatever u do, dont take aspirine :Dd
lol :P take something that calms ur stumac and eat something like yougurt so u don't need to throw up..erm, don't sit behind the pc/tv cuz then ur headacke will become stronger...after ur stumac is calmed down try drinking water cuz the reason u have a hangover is because beer makes liquids go out of ur body ( that's why u have to pee that much ) so the day after u are dehydrated and there isn't enough water in ur body and brains which results in an hangover so basicly u just need to drink water and eating helps to calm ur stumac

omg how much of a pro do u sound at this lmaoo, i asked for like a little trick tht helps a hangover and u gimme like a 500 word essay lmao :P

yeh usually just drink water and try to s lep or lay down.. if u have serious hangover which means u throw up everything you eat or drink, including water, then just try to have just a little bit of water so that ur mouth isnt dry, easier to sleep/rest.
aye mate thing is tho, coz i havnt had anything to eat, wen i throw up practically nothing comes out so its hurts so friggin much when im like throwing up. u knw wt i mean? proper heaving but oni bits come out (lol) well rough.. ive tried abit of water but tht came up so i really dnt fancy eating.. and everytime i close my eyes wen i lie dwn i go proper dizzy.. the rooms spinning lol! im nt drinkin again.. ;<
hah.. well I had the same once.. I drank 14-16 shots of tequila.

the next day I couldnt drink or eat anything for 8 hours.
when I woke up, I threw up every 10 minutes. the interval got longer as time passed on. if I drank water or ate anything, I'd throw up that in 1 min. it was the worst hangover Ive ever had.
yh man, u have tht couple of hours in the night were u feel so fkin mint.. but the next day is so bad.. never regret it tho do ya lol!
well the only thing i regret is driking so much tequila cuz.. after that night I lways feel like puking when drinking tequila and I really liked tequila before that :DD but usually i dont have hangover, n matter how much i drink. when i have hangover, it means I really have it then bt luckily that aint so often.
see i have a mate like u, how do u not get hangovers seriously? i aint a lightweight, but i ALWAYS have a hangover.. i hate it, i cud have oni like 4 beers and ill have a hangover..

i have a shit body lol are all fins like u ? lol
if u eat salty things u won't have an hangover or it'll be way less cuz the salt absorbs the water and let it go again when u need it the day after
another things is driking alot of water or eat bread before u go to sleep because the bread also absorbs water :]
dunno, but atleast I love to not have the hangover :D most of my mates get hangover but they are fins and they dont really care, they might say in the morning "never agai" but after few hours its like "should we get some beer from the shop?" :D
what dunno said
eat, drink, shit and puke. only way out
Ohmega. Next time u go out remember to Drink water and eat something before u go to bed. Take C-vitamines and aspirin or something like that. On the next morning u should be fine.

If u forgot or are at some place where u can't do da routines (girls place hopefully) then just drink few beers/shots/drinks before the worst hangover starts. So dont sleep too long!

I was wasted 3 days and no hangover at all. Thinking to go to gym :) (And yes i was wasted)
vitamin c, so..fruit!
just stay as long as you can in your bed and do nothing untill the hangover is gone
fruit,water,sleep :) gl lol
drink a beer
drink loads of orange juice right after u vomitted, it helps


seriously: drink 1 small beer
proper meal, I never stay in bed fuck it
make some kind of sport where u have to sweat. best way to get all out. and drink lot of water. eat some fruits. blaaa
Is he supposed to make up a sport himself? :o
first i wanted to write.. have some sex.. but that was too .., so i took sport instead :p
Yeah I get what you mean, it's not like he's gonna get laid anyway ;b
u dont need any reason to have sex.. but uuuhm when he has hangover, maybe he has allover a hangover!! then hes fucked up..
Ah, hangovers, are probably the worst thing a man can have :(. I always become hung over after drinkig, almost regardless to how much or little i drink. What i do is just wake up, drink alot of water sit or lie down and try to chill for just a bit, then what i ust recently discovered is tourchuring your self to going outside, just to the shop or some, buy something.. just a short walk, and when you get back home, i usually feel a bit better, but i have tried soo many things, and i cannever avoid a hangover, so i just try to toughen it off !

Btw, i really feel for you man :(, im not hungover but for some un-explainable reason, i woke up with a major swollen throat, its killing me :(

EDIT: You posted at 13:37 pm !
first time he gets drunk fo shoa
what rly helps is this : image: rollmoepse
in saltwater.
actually yes only in saltwater
Posted by Siloxxxxx on Sunday 23rd December 2007, 13:37
When I get wasted with Geralt meditation always helps! :XD
Well I hope uve learned your lesson young man!

I havent drank any sort of hard stuff for years...I learned....

However, drink a couple of tins of beer (no joke, for the blood sugar and the nerves) and eat any sort of oily fish....tuna from the can is also ok..........
Spank your monkey! Play ET! And keep on drinking water!
decapitation helps
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