23 Dec 2007, 20:14
In rtcw i played this map (mp_badplace) all the time, I wonder if this map also exists in ET? does it have the same name? Download link plz?:)
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
but about the configs, ofc it's in the profile, but many ppl either don't know that, are too lazy, or just dno what to look for and will only look for superknown player's configs in result. Tbh you could also code the cfg section in a way that ppl can upload their cfg's, but that it just links to their profile's cfg-link ;)
would this work in latin: "I wear this shirt to the point of nausea", like... "something ad nauseam"
I can decompile it and recompile the map for ET, maybe i ll do it when it doesnt have too many details (yes every fucking shader is fucked up by every decompile), when i have some time :O)
edit: even better tax is to get 2 frags lead. switch the spawn to another arena, and let the opponent kill you. fun!
go play cpm or gtfo