my wishlist

ok friends
i wish you all a merry christmas and i have some wishes for crossfire (enkrisch)

1) a "last comments" box :)
2) if you use the searchfunction i would like to see rather the date the journal was made than the score
3) no adminstate for sol anymore :D
4) more votes
5) maybe more i-views
6) seeing hated cheaters banned from cF
7) seeing who visited your profile

ok this was all, enjoy christmas with your family, i'm off
(learning for my exams in 2 weeks -> attention inside joke)

image: mackay

image: weihnachtsmann
gutentag <3
how is my favorite german flagged crossfire guy doing?!:D
:DD pretty good \o/ finnaly got a new keyboard which made my day ^^ wie gehts dir? <3
i fine np4me, so the new keyboard any good?
yeah pretty najz but im @ dad which only has a laptop and like no space so i actually have to move if i want to type :< but @ home im gonna be like so leet because my keyboard is and now i also am leet but it might be a lil to big for my desk full of junk with 2 pc's + screens on it :<
hmmzzz that sounds like a problem to me
but it still pwnssssss \o/ but i dont get like why there is a light switcher on it like why would you put in off/a lil because then you cant really c whats on the screen :o too bad i dont have any games installed here
just instal some?:D
nah dad @ haat and like this laptop could even run the setup let alone actually playing the game :o
merry Xxxmas eHHe
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