Christmas Flashgames

Hello everyone. First of all I want to wish you lot a merry christmas. I just wanted to share with you these oldskool christmas games. The first game is still my favourite. I played it alot over the christmas holidays in 2005 and really got addicted to it:

The second game is also a real classic. It is so great I played it all over the last year(the music is teh ownage).

But apparently someone else in this community played it even more than me and made a movie of it. But see for yourself:


I hope that I can treat you with these games. Feel also free to post your favourite christmas flash games!
Merry Christmas
^3o3 ? geh vent
nah soz. im not playin et today. :P (i no that im a hypocrite)
na du kackwurst wie ich mal wieder LANGUAGE RULES ABUSE und dir einfach auf deutsch schreib. sol hatte mal wieder seine kartoffelattitüde angenommen um mich zu bannen.

wann gehts bei euch los mit der feier? ich kanns kaum erwarten -.-
RazZaH, wishes the whole CF-Community merry Xmas :)[/u]

122900 for 2nd
not good :P I had smth like 500 000 before I got bored
how can you get so high lOL
my highest 29410 loL:<
how is that posible or am i just a noob in the game :D at the wintebells
snoop is nolifer
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