Nice Xmas

Marry Xmas 2 u all!

what did u got?

A New:
image: CA928315-usb-armbanduhr
image: 101517
A New:
image: 140_0
image: geld02

+ Clothes

=) Picture of our xmas tree soon cu<3
what do you need a watch for?
to check the time ofcourse!
as if you dont have a clock on your cellphone :)
spawntimer ofc
made my day :::D
image: 101517
Only thing i will get =D
600€, an mp4-player and

image: big_bundy_box_orig
pls 600€?! wtf??!!
hi2u2, but im off, im tired :D
btw gimme ure opininon bout my [unfinisched] new profile plz <3
im going to club now..
so good night 2u

ehhm profile, no schnee in it, so it 5/10.. :p
nah bit too big all imo
k, i agree a bit bout the big thing :x
and i can put you in it but dont know what to write, help meh! :D
and hF @ club
ich weiß auch nicht, eine verwandte von mir meinte wohl mich reich beschenken zu müssen!^^
i got this:
image: norelco8060X
tell me if its good after you used it, considering buying one of those
i liked it alot! but it does have some disadvantages:
- it doesnt have trim options like the philishave i had before :(
- the hairs just fall through the blades onto your hand and on the machine. ofcourse you can just whipe them away, but to get rid of the hairs under the blades you need a small brush (there is a small brush added btw) or you can just hold it under the shower or sumthing.

i havnt tried it under the shower yet. i only tried dry shaving now and it removed all the hairs with one stroke...
dont get until 2moroooooooooooooooooooooo :).
got the same one last year, pc151 probably? (i have pc150 but those arent made anymore)
I got my ski-ticket + new ski-cote + new ski-pants !

ready for the wintersport!
ski sux

snowboarding rulz :)
true:) I dont ski but snowboard aswell
image: series_p2_green

Not green case but glowing blue black case
OMG ive got too small clothes LOL :F
damn i wish i could be child again to get all this presents above, but well i got some books, bit money, a wristlet and a holiday.. :D
is doch nice :D
I bought myself:
image: 070712_cowon%20iaudio

and I got some:
image: books

and some
image: dollars
chocolate stuff (around ~4 kilo :D )
Memory: 2 GB Corsair (ddr400)
+ hannsg hg191rp (well birthday+xmas present/s)
poker set (i never played poker haha)
gonna buy myself another gaming mouse hehe
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