Razer Gaming (Mouse)


first of all: im thinking about buying a razer mouse instead of my mx518

i want to know, what is this sensitivity 'on-the-fly' change mode of a razer mouse? how does it work?

and a diamondback is enough i think, 4000 dpi is way too much? (lachesis)

tell me about your razer ty
i use the lowest i can get with razer...
having probs with usb connection (2nd razer allrdy)
otherwise its a fucking nice mAus!
few days ago I buy a Razer DeathAdder... its a fucking nice mAus! =)
I have a razer deathadder, the shape is a bit more like the logitech mice (diamondback and lachesis are symmetrical). The deathadder is a very comfortable mouse with excellent precision. The deathadder got 1800 dpi max, which is more than enough. Imo best mouse available atm and not that expensive.
"on the fly sensitivity" is bullshit imo, deathadder can do it, there's a button on the bottom of the mouse. But I wouldn't know how to make it useful in game.
get a lachesis and you will aim like a bot.
i got moneyz from razer!
it's cheaper to buy a real bot
so the on the fly thing is like setting other dpi variations in setpoint (not only 400 800 1600) , driver only? :>
no you can choose between 400 800 or 1600 @ diamondback, binding that switches to buttons in software, just like you can bind a sensitivity toggle imo :?

never use it myself, and my final decision bout mouse was mx518
Lachesis was good i tried it out and the grip and everything is very well improved from copperhead and deathadder.
dont buy a fucking razer
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