Razer Gaming (Mouse)
25 Dec 2007, 00:08
first of all: im thinking about buying a razer mouse instead of my mx518
i want to know, what is this sensitivity 'on-the-fly' change mode of a razer mouse? how does it work?
and a diamondback is enough i think, 4000 dpi is way too much? (lachesis)
tell me about your razer ty
first of all: im thinking about buying a razer mouse instead of my mx518
i want to know, what is this sensitivity 'on-the-fly' change mode of a razer mouse? how does it work?
and a diamondback is enough i think, 4000 dpi is way too much? (lachesis)
tell me about your razer ty
having probs with usb connection (2nd razer allrdy)
otherwise its a fucking nice mAus!
"on the fly sensitivity" is bullshit imo, deathadder can do it, there's a button on the bottom of the mouse. But I wouldn't know how to make it useful in game.
never use it myself, and my final decision bout mouse was mx518