Nations Best

Well, I did this last year so I will give it another try. As Nationscup XI is coming soon for Enemy Territory, here is my list of the best active (or semi) players from each nation. Some of you will disagree ofc but I think it's always nice to see and debate.

I don't know who is active from countries like Israel, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland or Spain so i will not comment. But feel free to post your own and I can add it to this post.

My list is picked from watching Eurocup, QCup and checking websites (xfire, gamestv,, gamersnation etc). And I talked to some players under a fake nick :P

Finland Finland

1) mystic
2) Squall
3) Sanda
4) Lepari
5) lettu
6) Matias
7) mikza
8) Spirea
9) olBaa
10) twidi/chmpp

Rifles: Iron

Very strong team like always, Finland have alot of players to choose from every year. Any team will be a good team.

Germany Germany

1) butchji
2) urtier
3) senji
4) sNoOp
5) viol
6) drago
7) keran
8) wEAK
9) ramin
10) FaKy

Rifles: haZer or roYal

Not sure about the activity of evil, criatura, etc so I did not include them.

Netherlands Netherlands

1) teKoa
2) AzAtej
3) M1lk
4) perfo
5) modus
6) abort
7) BuLL
8) Efax
9) aeq
10) joop/Leonekke

Rifles: Lightning

Team NL already announced, looks like the strongest ever, my pick to win it.

Belgium Belgium

1) mAus
2) lio
3) zeto
4) dav1d
5) Kevin
6) mesq
7) vila
8) acid
9) snot
10) xAv/ziff

Rifles: mesq

Basically, team EDiT :P. No mAx this year I guess, big loss but still any team is strong with the amazing aim of mAus.

Poland Poland

1) kot
2) wiesiek
3) r1co
4) Wrobel
5) doktor
6) templar
7) S4rna
8) dialer
9) uf0l
10) ufoleet

Rifles: Krein

Not sure about activity of Poland, where is gotti these days? But i'm sure they will come together a field a great team again.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

1) Sheep
2) sqzz
3) Hype
4) med1xza
5) Baggiez
6) tyyrd
7) Marvel
8) Ste
9) w3st
10) Meez/Xenomorph

Rifles: miXer or Andeh

No Mztik, no razz, no sol, even with these players they underachieved, I see another bad year for team UK, because they will never pick their best players.

Sweden Sweden

1) fuchs
2) kiitos
3) jonas
4) rat
5) uniX
6) savage
7) NuggaN
8) slajdan
9) alexL
10) Nils/Pepper

Rifles: wizzel or tornis (inactive?)

A couple of more players to choose from this year (we know who ;))

Estonia Estonia

1) Night
2) reload
3) r3vers
4) Holz
5) deadeye

Rifles: r3vers

Don't know if Holz is back or not :/

Norway Norway

1) Kris
2) Gjerry
3) Lakai
4) Snuble
5) ViZion

Rifles: dizA (banned?)

Don't know what will be done with rifle but Norway has always had limited talent but they are always active so they have a nice team fielded every year.

Italy Italy

1) XyLoS
2) Danone
3) Mamalukes
4) vegeta
5) bLiz

Rifles: XyLos

Don't even know if the last two are playing anymore :/

Russia Russia

1) zerender
2) hypNotyx
3) pulZa
4) dusty
5) Sts

Rifles: no humm3L :(

no humm3L this year, unlucky Russia.

Croatia Croatia

1) calisto
2) acoZz
3) gmx
4) rimi
5) Komar

Rifles: acoZz or Komar

Team Cortana + acoZz :D

Austria Austria

1) beAsty
2) day_
3) kenta
4) jAn
5) laguNa

Nothing to say :x

Hungary Hungary

1) fobje
2) seNti
3) Future
4) srph
5) dest/Us4rmy

Rifles: dest or Us4rmy

Don't know Nonix, Logic still active or not.

France France

1) fra
2) kaz
3) Em0ReJ!
4) freek
5) kyp

By pninja.

Czech Republic Czech Republic

1) marv
2) teente
3) CPU
4) butch
5) hellish/Loo

By pninja.

Portugal Portugal

1) archy
2) QkR
3) sexyhot
4) otaku
5) setup

Rifles: jet

Nice to see some old school Portugal players back after the cheater team last year.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New year :)

hf editing :<

write a proper column please, could be good material
Belgium uNDEAd United KingdomGriim FinlandtoNi
You must be super. :P
sup3r for
<3 piç

enough turkish for team turkey?
get a better layout please...u failed @ team germany tbh :/ (faky and viol are a joke. Add hazer as rifle no1, etc)

@team russia => sts is cb banned and loku, sal, shitty are surely better than the most of ur list.
Nice work, but I disagree to many players on the list.
Why it is a joke?:x I heard before it was myth6s so I don't know. When I was pretty active I was not such bad to be hones. And also included viol.
Nothing against you and I didn't say u are not skilled, but surely not good enough for Team Germany. That's just my personal opinion.
Ye, well I also think that i'm not on the Top 10 Level of germany at least not now at all, after "quiting" ET. But I think that i'm better then the guy before (like I heard, I don't know if it is true or not, myth6s). Another fact is that viol is pretty good but just disliked because of his arrogance and also the way how he talks/is moving with people on. That is one reaon why is he is not in. But I consider myself not such bad. And ye, that's the life that everybody got different opinions. : ) But at least you are honest mate. : )
Myth6s would be just a joke. I even would prefer to pick up me, instead of him and that has to mean something. Well, I never liked viol's type of playing and you both aren't active on a higher level atm...that's why.
That's true mate. : ) Because of the fact that we focus on other staff. But maybe after getting released Et-ace we gonna start again. :P
u had the flags etc on the pastebin link I gave u.
Yep, thanks.

What are all these stupid numbers all the time, better layout as mens0 said pls !
put sinus @ first in France
more numbers
Sup3r for .
ehm dude you forgot me, your joke fails
I want also into the AUT team :<
quzan, kharas, mouss, dabbe, banaan for team turkey!!!
illumise is dutch
Whats Team NL line-up?
I guess I missed the pm towards me if they're already done selecting players..
Shows how little you know about the game :)
idd... xav > you > zeto
i have very rare times to agree with you but this is one of these times :D
No, it shows how little i know about the players :D
So why make this list then?
Gjerry is active? Hm, didn't know that.
Anyway, nice list for Norway, actually quite correct.
Never played with kris, so dunno if he's best.
u forgot ScaTman_ as german rifler :)
add slovenia imo !
right here!
Team Portugal wont be similar to this one =)
oh pls this list is the worst thing i ever saw.

since when is viol the best german player after snoop?

gtfo pls
ADD @ TEAM ITALY MAYBE ALIAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AliaS nP for him test him
how retarded can someone be to put kenta on a NC team list?

just wondering.
dont wonder about this list...its just retarded.

i wonder how viol could be on that list and he is the next one to snoop there!

drago keran wEAK and ramin are so much better than him, they would pwn him with one arm and eyes closed.
indeed. There is alot of difference between them. Viol have never archived anything (except beeing the #1 retard in germany). Never played at same level at the others (and never will). He still have alot to learn with guys like snoop, ramin or weak.
Achievements don't mean everything, there are good players out there who haven't achieved much because they don't know the right players or are not liked. Such as viol, templar, olbaa or Hype. It doesn't mean they are not good players.
Could you show me any proof that kenta is a hacker? K i've seen the avi's but those vids aren't proof. and Yes they were interesting...
he confessed to his team mates that he haxed against cortana in that EC game
Then soz, i didn't know it.
If you are talking seriously, u won the award of #1 retard of 2007.
And the clip were more that enough.
I didn't know that CB is banning by vids.

ah and i almost forgot: And your mom is the retard.
1st n1ce using mom excuse.How old are you? 13 years (must be.. ) ?

Then CB is not baning for vids, but it changes something? I would never play with Koto or kMt again, and they are not banned or busted with any vids. It makes them non cheaters?
Age: 12 ( 15 July 1995 )
didnt expect more
i think you must be bored on christmas day
lol team portugal : )
how many hackers or ex hackers on that list. merry xmas to all users on kidfire.
you play with hackers too and you dont even know it xD
nice " ladder " seems to be fair at my eyes :) even if xylos and me probably wont play, vegeta and bliz are inactive, one is playing wow and the other eT : QW :)
that team portugal is a joke adze ...
kenta lololoolol

made me lol

lol, no ag0n in team portugal ;<

1) beAsty
2) day_
3) kenta
4) jAn
5) laguNa

made my day
i loled at faKy and templar,

owned them yesterday twice. they are low+ max.


from teambelgium, ziff made me lolled, hes low+
You missed me from team uk silly! :o
u missed me :( adze i didnt expect that from u
olbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
to team sweden: not sure about kiitos, nils and uniX...
kiitos and nils are playing for team malta (lol)
uniX hasn't been very active lately I think (just saw him on BIO some days ago)
Portugal illumise should be in top 6 :<
illumise should be in top6 portugal, all hackers should!
where is France StrAf?
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