Clubbin? Or not...

as i decided to go to Versuz today, some things happened between 23CET and now...

me and my brother arrived around 23u to enter that club, its the place where we usually go on thursdays and some special occasions
anyway while we were there, the security guys said you need a girl to enter on mondays (especially now with Sisqo's presence), so okey i thought we'll make some phone calls and if its possible..we'll go
walking, calling, toke like an hour, and everybody was celebrating christmas at their homes, with family&friends, so we didn't have much options
while waiting there were like 5 guys on the parking talking about the same subject, being refused caus of no partner
meanwhile several cars came to the parking and i saw one guy asking the girls if he can walk in with them since its impossible alone, and i saw it worked for him!

image: 24_12_2007

after about 20mins there were 2 girls from holland who we asked, and they agreed
we asked their names, and at the entrance security came and looked at us, and asked those girls if they rly know us, they said yes, eventually they asked the girls our names (of course they dont know ours...)
they got a warning, but still got in eventually, we were refused, so no Sisqo i guess :/ (waited like a month for his performance...)
we might be going to noxxantwerp now or to some local club/dancecaffe, but i wont leave this behind! its not only this time, almost everytime they see foreigners they refuse, without any facts or hard proof.....but i wont lets this go..
at that time i'll write another journal i guess :D

edit: while goin back home, a police van also stopped me and i thought plz dont let it be a ticket or smth, on all this..but he said you forgot to turn on your lights, i replied with sry pissed from versuz ....he smiled and said have a good night further XD

gn8 cf!
lol @ sisqo
i guess he doenst have any muniez left
fametime is over for him :D
sisqo - interesting name idd.
come pick me up?
where are you atm? but i doubt i can now drive to antwerp at this time now, i better just went there in first place, heard that the security isnt any problem over there
where are you goin in the coming days :)
so pissed atm of this all :X
um tomorrow im going to this borre or something. :XD
going to limburg or near places by any chance too? ;D
and i might be going to ghent too, still got my card to travel there by train
err, cárre, not borre :XD
i dont really know where it is. or something,
known clubs/places plz! :P tell me where you'll be going in the next days then, might be going to the same place =)
check the website. i think we go there on tuesday. im also expecting a call from the girl i met on saturday so her decisions might affect the place i go to on thursday radically!
is it ? caus there are alot of clubs called like that
if it is that one, its a nice place for sure from what i've heard
it's carré and u should go, been there once and had a great time there
first get your keyholder out and go to some random silver car... scratch a bit off the car's paint and put it on your hair


approach the security man, saying

haha :)
rly made me smile
he is snow at his hairs :o
Hit: Thong Song
what the hell :D
thought the same xD
you dont know that song? damn youngsters
Well I am not into that genre anyway plus it was released when I was 9 :(
maybe because you are turkish..some clubs in my area don't let turks go in (or only very few)
not only turkish, just foreigners in general
but i spoke to some guys on the parking that they have those microphones in their ears, there are cameras at the entrance where guys from above look and decide whether you may enter or not
You went to all that trouble just to see some artist who's best song apparently is "thong song", and then never got in anyway?

Hell if it had been Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd then i could understand your disappointment, but honestly Sisqo?...Those bouncers actually did you a favour.
not only that, its a place where i usually go, and yes sisqo being there was just a bonus on top of that, but i get your point..
mmm was het woensdag daar stella aan 1 euro ?
woensdag was het afternoon, met die secundaire studenten die net hun exames hadden gedaan, toen was het ook 1€ de stella idd (ook zo op donderdagen btw)
nice ignoring ffs
I would have chosen you
me too, but been inside whole day excluding the jogging and shopping trip

and going to sleep now, cu!
I would be gutted, I would love 2 see him unleash the dragon.
you life seems to be interesting atarax, but hell no motherfucker
hit the bricks pal
Haha, sisqo is actually still performing these days, weird.
I remember his sort of danceprogram at MTV which I liked back then, but if you'll ask me now if I could survive a song of him..
Well yes, try lookin for 'Unleash the dragon' it's not super, but his best. Interesting story now I can has sleep
Dru Hill > uhm, dunno. But they were great :D

a NIGGER with WHITE hair :D:D:D:AS::DA:S:DAS:D

this is the best joke EVER!
Don't generalise this to every club. Stuff like Noxx and stuff are always crowded with foreigners.

Btw.You should be happy they didn't let you in.
i don't generalize (and yes journal title isnt the best :D) but u get my point
why should i be happy btw :/
Nu kunde iets beter gaan zoeke ! :p
ja dacht er ook aan, kga misschien nog naar iets in de buurt, ma heb eigelijk nimeer veel zin en zal broer nog es vrage ^^
Of gaan slapen en dan kunde der morgenavond tegenaan
jup denk dat het zo zal verlope =)
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