driver for nvidia gfx 5200?

yeah hey, i could use some help.

i'm looking for a driver which would provide me the most fps with my shitty gfx card.
any ideas? :o

atm i got 163.71 forceware drivers.
it doesn't really say there which driver to get.
"zomg take that driver it gets 1337 fps for j0 shit card"
^ pretty much the answer i'm waiting for :)

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Product Type: Geforce
Product Series: Geforce FX Series
Operating System: yourSystem
Language: yourRandomLanguage

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sampleresult for WinXP and English language:
yeah i'm using the one which i got from there (163.71 )
but i lost some fps after installing that driver, also when i look at some random picture the colours look retarded
check your settings in the nvidia control panel... otherwise try to find an older version of the driver
what should i look for in my settings?:$ soz yeah i don't understand stuff like that.
k first did you overclock your gfx card before updating?

otherwise go into your control panel (should look like this):
image: 1176833007

and e.g. there you put the settings to performance

then check all the other settings (manage 3d settings) and disable all the image optimizing stuff (more fps but worse quality) ...
dunno when your colors look "retarded" you could also adjust your monitor or go to the last menu point in the control panel and adjust colors there... just give it a try and check all the possible things there dunno so much about it aswell
mkay :o

btw with 163.71 drivers 84,8 fps
91.31 drivers 85,4 fps :/
make newspost
i still use 84.21 :D works fine here if i install newer drivers i losse my commandmap in et and you get that stupid control pannel :s
and sometimes i get a popup for sli setup.
hmm.. but have you tried any newer drivers? and if you did, was there a fps change?
good card isnt it?
It's my old card =[ IT ROX!

tell me mf, should i use 81.95 or 84.21? fps boost - which ?
Just try them out both -,-
81.95 got me from 84.8 to 88. something, is nice. gonna try 84.21 out aswell and thats it :D
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