Poker game
26 Dec 2007, 15:22
I'm started to play on with play money and freeroll games.
1)Where do u play?
2)Im looking for an other site where mostly noobs play at freeroll, if it does exist
1)Where do u play?
2)Im looking for an other site where mostly noobs play at freeroll, if it does exist
Nonix, you should try Noiq poker ; over 10 nice christmass freerolls every day, level of skill is surely playable for every kind of player.
very easy... :D
ezek a legjobb eredményeim :D ja meg 2 dollarbol money table-n 2 het alatt 40 dollar pokerstarson
olyan 2 honapja nyertem 7 dolcsit egy royal flush-el :)