any stargate fans?

somehow the new feature length stargate episode "the ark of truth" has been leaked 3 months before it airs in the us :) its on bittorent sites if you like it. if not, go eat more turkey :)
sure it's not fake?
i watched it this morning mate :) its a superb double length episode.
It's only a workprint so a lot of shit is missing special effects etc.
Your mum is eating my turkey and my gravy is dribbling down her chin!
you're a sick, SICK man ped :/
That was my Christmas gift!
Is this SG1 or is it Shitlantis?
sg1 lad, the original and best, theyre off booting the crap out the ori , and the replicators and just about everyone else too ;)
Nice - I watched the end of SG1 thought it was a lil disapointing end tbh, but I will download this with high hopes after a kevlar recommendation!

How is life? Long time no abuse!
yer stu, the end of sg1 was poo, but this kinda ties everything up well, and even leaves the door open for more episodes tbh....

as for long time no abuse, well, ill be honest, i have missed your jock impressions. i have to go on to shoutcasts for some tosstime these days, its just not the same :P
heck even a scrim, Snuggs has got himself a new top spec PC we'll have to make sure he puts it to good use!
mmmm not so good tbh a bit too everythings gonna come together at the last second for no apparent reason.
not as "old" as that one word reply of a dribbling cretin such as youreself, thanks for your input...
ok... NOT NEW
The Ark of Truth rocks, especially after such long break from SG-1. I can't wait for Stargate: Continuum.
already watched last episode of sg1
hmmmmmm to get it now or wait for actual release hmmmmmmmm
Were I you I would get it straight away. It just needs some finishing touches (shaders especially) and there's this one scene where instead of the actual visual efects there just an information about what should have happened.
hmmmm between you and kevlar you are sellling it well.... but hmmm
...actually what am i saying, whats the point in waiting :D
There's no point at all.
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