truth about logitech g3

The shape and weight of this mouse are awesome, but it looks like it applies a lot of interpolation to your movements.
It just filters off all jerky and shaky movements, and tries to turn everything you do into a uniform movement along a straight line. You try to make a shaky seismogram-like line, and you get a straight line. You try to draw a V and you get a U.
It IS possible to make movemets that are not uniform lines, but it takes much more effort, sice the mouse will cut off and suppress all movements that exceed a certain acceleration, so all you can do is making a bigger movement to compensate. Even with high sens, I have to throw my arm around the table to perform "snappy" movements, whereas with the g5 at same sens and same dpi every little shaking of my hand would immediately result in big shaking of the crosshair.
To summarize, it feels like a mouse designed for players affected by parkinson, since it assumes that every jerky movement that you do is unintentional, and cuts it off. The next step is a mouse that automatically phones to your relatives and informs them that you are having a seizure, when the shaky movements last for too long :(
:D lolasd
u wrote this urself?
Uhmmmm no I dictated it to my secretary :D

Yes of course I wrote it -_-
ok, nice text!
lold :(
lies >D i can make a normal U with my g3 if i try that and it wont result in a V :D:DD
i dont got any probs with the mouse :)
It was the opposite :D
But yeah, I can draw a V with the g3, it was just an exaggerated example
xD I loved you future view :P
and i love you english
and i love you too!
does the g3 also have some influence at aim or not ?
like u said it has to your movement but also aim or not?
same question ;<D
In the end it's probably an advantage for a game like et. I don't think it has a negative effect on your aim (such as increased latency or such): making smooth movement is easier, making a jerky one is harder, and that's all.
Still it leaves a strong impression of using crutches :D
most of the mouses have atleast little prediction easy to test in paint if u can draw straight lines or not
only mouses i know dont have this are WMO IMO 1.1 IME 3.0
but i would guess having little prediction is an advantage in game like ET
Yeah, but I was just shocked at the difference between this one and the g5, since I read that they have the same sensor (and bought it for that reason).

By the way do you have more info on this prediction thing? Which mice have it, and how it works?

Also the g5 is weird in that it feels different depending on the dpi and surface, while the g3 performs pretty much always the same way
thats pretty much all i know about it
razer + logitech mouses all have it at some level
i dont't have any of these problems you mentioned
my V is perfect :D
Well, it's probably hard to notice if you didn't switch from the g5 to the g3 like I did. :p
And they are not really "problems", just a debatable way to do things
G1 > G3
G5 = da bestest mAus evah!
agree :) but I despise its shape, too big for my little hands
and the weight system is retarded
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