
i'm prolly gonna do laser-surgery but i'd like to ask if some guys already had it or know anyone who has and any inconveniences or such during the operation or afterwards?

thx in advance, cheers
"My sister had it.. no probs, but a headache after :)"
how long did she had bad sight? or kinda blurry
prob a week.. dunno.. only remember she was a pain in the Ass after the surgery :)
i can fuxor your eye
its from 18years only afaik ( i may be wrong tho LOL)

and xfire is best place to ask for advice

google it, young padawan
only commercials on google ('IT WAS AMAZING, NO INCONVENIENCES AT ALL'), ye sure ;<
well, find some forums and read? you trust xfire but dont trust other forums? learn to filter information plx

what can i say more, its not forbiden in europe or us, so it's safe procedure, ofcource you can never be 100% sure with medical operations, but LOL
You gonna get you balls ripped off, but it's gr8!
I'll do it in next 15 years D:
ask J. Mengele
not had lazer surgery before, iv had general eye surgery on my right eye about 5 times and cant see out of it much :)
hah, i still look normal so np4me
thats why u cheated ;)
ask perfo!
Friend of mine had it done, went back into hospital a week later with a detached retina. FUN!
omg, did they fix it?
with surgery, yes
The risk your sight will get worse is like 0,01%. My mom had an eye-surgery and nothing went wrong.
most doctors wouldn't recommend it before you are at least 21 years old and not growing anymore
my friend's dad had it and it fuxored he's eyes so he has kinda weird vision in his other eye, but the techniques have gotten better and so, so I doubt its that risky
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